Amber Leitz

Ep. 125: Consistent Cash That Makes Your Pussy Wet



I’m an ex-lover of pay-in-fulls.  I fell into their sexy little trap. I craved the juicy dopamine hit of big cash so much that I would throw myself into dysregulating feast and famine cycles. And I want better for you, Lover.   In today’s episode, I’m diving into creating consistent cash months & how to fall so fucking in love with payment plans and recurring cash that your pussy begs for it. Ready to make fuck tons of money without glamorizing high-cash months? Come play with me.  I get into: How to create consistent cash months that make your pussy wet The sexy little trap of high-cash months (and how to avoid it) Pay-in-fulls v. payment plans - is there really a better way? My favorite reasons why consistent cash is so fucking sexy (and why I avoided it for so long) And more   Connect with me: Join the hottest leadership group on the internet: Follow me on Instagram: & on TikTok!  Ca