Master Leadership

ML269: Edward Tyson (Leader & Author)



“Every step on the journey from expert to executive leads away from your craft. This sentiment is easier to grasp than embrace; and neither grasping nor embracing it is a requirement for reaching the rank, responsibilities, or rewards of an executive.” – wow, a powerful start to an impactful book.  Today’s guest, Edward. E. Tyson is a former strategy executive and Marine turned executive coach and organizational consultant. He is also the CEO of PerSynergy Consulting and the best-selling author of From Expert to Executive: Mastering the ABCs SOPs of Leading – the book I just read from moments ago. From Expert to Executive is a business fable about the transition from subject matter expert to enterprise leader. More than just a story about some struggling scientists at a biotech firm, it introduces Ed’s LeadershipSOPs framework and methodology which encourages leaders to develop and deploy personal standard operating procedures for structuring, operating, and p