Smalley Marriage Radio

The love language of Jesus - statement #6 from Jesus



“If you love me, obey my commandments.” When he makes this statement, it was a big evening for Jesus.  It’s his formal farewell to his disciples, his friends.   And his friends are freaking out! They are scared. How does Jesus decide to comfort them? He promises the Holy Spirit - the great comforter. The one who would guide, teach, encourage, empower, and mediate on behalf of the believer. Ultimately he was giving them the comforting presence of himself - Jesus. The provision of Jesus that will bring about this relationship is declared to be the indwelling Spirit (vv. 15–17) Holy Spirit has two new names:  the Paraclete (NIV Counselor, v. 16) the Spirit of truth Paraclete (Gk. parakletos) is unique to John (elsewhere 14:26; 15:26; 16:7; 1 John 2:1) and expresses the Spirit’s strengthening, equipping role.  A parakletos was a judicial advocate (cf. Matt. 10:16–20) and here Jesus says that Christians alone can enjoy his aid (John 14:17). How does this help your relationship? When y