50 Shades Of Collier

Introducing The 50 Shades of Collier Podcast and who is Bryant Collier?



Introduction of Bryant Collier and the 50 Shades of Collier Podcast...will discuss who I am, what I have to offer, what to expect...will always discuss my journey with no fluff just total honesty. I will also discuss what it takes to live your life on your own terms...this is coming from an average joe just like most of you that has dreams of making it but have yet to knock down the wall to freedom. I can relate because I’m still struggling, battling through, along this journey to living life on my own terms! I know I will make it because I will never quit! So, each of you strap it on and go along for the ride with me, and one day we will all be successful and feel so much gratification! I ramble some be it’s still valuable information that will only get better...and that’s my 2 cents!