

In 2014-15 I was called to start a podcast and inspire others to reach for their dreams, and do the impossible. I realized that most of what people said couldn't be done had been done, is being done. We just don't about it. I started to realize that there is a framework they all use. It's a simple framework but not easy. Those that have gotten out, what they have in their heart are resourceful, innovative, and connected. So I launched on this journey, and the podcast started doing well, at its highest point it was ranked #4 in the Business category. Like all good hero journeys, something happened. After leaving my full-time job to pursue entrepreneurship, I didn't replace our income, and with 3 kids, a house, and another business. We were in financial trouble and ended up having to sell the house. And I had to put the podcast, coaching, and speaking down to rest. I had to put down that fire inside. But now after 7 years or so, I'm back. This is the "BACK" episode, explaining that journey, and the futu