Flipping America

Crypto-Currency Part Three, Kiril Ravensong



FAR 117 Expected Air Date: 02/08/18 Opening: Today we continue our series on Crypto-Currency and blockchain technology. My guest today is Kiril Ravensong, self-appointed Cryptocurrency Evangelist. Is it a fad that will fade? Is it a trend, a sign of the times? How does the technology work? What are the implications for real estate investors? We’ll hear about that and more coming up in just a few minutes. Announcements: Tonight in Atlanta, Mike Cherwenka. Call in to our comments line! 404-369-1018, extension 1. Leave your message.   Questions@flippingamericaradio.com Tell us where you’re from! Like us on Facebook. www.facebook.com/flippingamericamedia Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @FlippingAmerica Special Guest Kiril Ravensong