Flipping America

Compare Everything With Everything



FAR 129 Expected Air Date: 03/12/18 Opening: Hello everyone. I am Roger Blankenship and I teach people how to make money in Real Estate. We bring you news, trends, markets, and we feature people who are getting it done in this industry. Many people have been asking me for more information about my blog on “Compare Everything with Everything.” We have noted around here that I refer to that quite a bit so we decided that today we would bring that to you in full. Now the full talk has helpful charts and graphs which we can’t show you on the show but we will put up a post on the website with all the information. How to Reach us www.flippingamericanetwork.com Facebook.com/flippingamericamedia Twitter and Instagram @FlippingAmerica YouTube: bit.ly/FlippingAmericaOnYouTube Linkedin: bit.ly/FlippingAmericaOnLinkedIn Call our National Comment Line: 404-369-1018, ext 1. Leave your message or your question. Announcements: My upcoming speaking engagements: March 14, Atlanta REIA South April 5, Chattanooga REIA April 7,