Flipping America

Contractor Questions



FAR 124 Contractor Questions Expected Air Date: 03/1/18 Opening: Hello everyone. I am Roger Blankenship and I teach people how to make money in Real Estate. We bring you news, trends, markets, and we feature people who are getting it done in this industry. Today we have some market data and some rankings for you. We also have stories coming up about markets that are cooling off or underperforming. My team and I are digging through mounds of research data, reading lots of really boring studies and distilling it all into usable and actionable steps for your investing career. We don’t encourage everyone to go out, drop whatever else you have going on, and start a new career as a house flipper. Frankly it’s not for everyone. We DO recommend that everyone figure out a way to invest in real estate some how, some way. There are hundreds of possible combinations of techniques, access points, financial commitments, and skill sets, but it all boils down to one of three strategies: Buy for a quick re-sell. (After you h