Flipping America

Investing with your IRA, Mike Ventry, Show 120



Opening: We have a fascinating show lined up for you today. How’s your 401k doing? Over the past 18 months, probably great! Do you have any protection for the inevitable market correction that may have already begun or are you just riding the waves of the stock market and hoping for the best? Here at Flipping America we encourage everyone to have real estate as a part of a balanced investment portfolio. Value never goes to zero. Potential cash flows. Tax advantages from expenses and depreciation. Build equity and net worth. Today I’m going to tell you how you can grow a fortune in real estate and avoid a heavy tax burden. You can open an individual retirement account, separate from the one at work and if you set it up correctly, you will never pay taxes on the money you make in it. My guest is today is Mike Ventry of Advanta IRA, Mike is the Business Development Director in the Atlanta office. Announcements: Call in to our comments line! 404-369-1018, extension 1. Leave your message.  Contractor Fails Stor