Flipping America

Cash Flowing Properties



FAR 125 Expected Air Date: 03/3/18 Opening: Hello everyone. I am Roger Blankenship and I teach people how to make money in Real Estate. We bring you news, trends, markets, and we feature people who are getting it done in this industry. Today we are going to catch up on some listener emails. You folks are asking GREAT questions and I want to answer them on the air so many will benefit, but I also don’t like to keep you waiting this long. Over the next few shows we are going to start talking about Buy and Hold Strategies and the wisdom around that. If you haven’t already seen the video, plan to head over to FlippingAmericaNetwork.com/video and watch me explain the buying formulas. Monday we are going to talk all about property management with Katie Griffin, an Atlanta based property manager. Over the next week or so I’m going to introduce you to people who are buying apartments, creating turn-key rental properties, and providing other services for you as a buy and hold investor. So today our focus is on cash-fl