Flipping America

Rental Property Management, with Katie Griffin



FAR 126 Expected Air Date: 03/5/18 Opening: Hello everyone. I am Roger Blankenship and I teach people how to make money in Real Estate. We bring you news, trends, markets, and we feature people who are getting it done in this industry. Today we are starting a series I plan to continue over the next week or two as we think about Buy and Hold Strategies. Most of the people who want to invest in real estate want to own rental properties. There are certainly some benefits to this, including tax advantages and wealth building through equity, not to mention the possibility of extra cash. I say possibility because there isn’t as much direct cash in owning rental houses as you might think. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that anyone who tells you you can borrow money, buy ten rental houses and then quit your job and live off that income is probably trying to sell you something. It just doesn’t work out that way in real life. If you want to own a rental property or 20, you need to think about how you are going to ma