Flipping America

Looking Back, Looking Ahead



Today we look at several stories that look into 2018 and attempt to predict what the year will be like. Regular listeners to the show will recall that we have predicted that we are not heading for a crash, but a minor correction. For most markets this will be seen as a slowing in the rate of increase of prices. In some coastal regions we are forecasting a slight drop in prices over the next twelve months. Of the larger markets, Atlanta seems to have the most room to continue with rising prices over the next year, but we believe all the markets will be moving toward a more balanced inventory as new construction starts continue to increase and interest rates inch up. By late 2018 or early 2019 we believe the market will once again be balanced. Here are some of the show notes: News: https://www.mpamag.com/news/refi-expectations-drive-improvement-in-real-estate-mark  et-outlook-87779.aspx https://www.washingtonpost.com/realestate/how-to-begin-investing-in-real-estate--as-a-landlord/2017/12/13/79753a86-73b2-11e