Shiny Squirrel Podcast Network




  1) LIGHT MY FIRE - PRR band rehearsal Nov 22 1984  (requested from a past podcast)  2) BILLY DON'T BE A HEA0 - track found in an old email, vocals over instrumental track  3) BORN TO BE WILD  4) BLESS THE USA - Doug Peterson contribution to the podcast. Last installment of PRR live  internet broadcast. Ride To The Wall concert ' NOV 6 2002 INTERNET SIMULCAST, Some static.   Now have found on this tape which sounds like a song inspired by Phil Collins song BILLY DON'T LOSE MY NUMBER. I have inserted a small 20 second chorus clip of Phil Collins track. As a comparison  to this song which is simply labeled NUMBER ONE. I will be talking to Carlo's wife Tabaitha to see if she can shed some light on this track. I am serious leaning toward that this is some influence of from Phil Collins track.  More to come on next podcast.  5) BILLY DON'T LOSE MY NUMBER - insert for comparison  6) NUMBER ONE (BABY DON'T LOSE THAT NUMBER)  THE FOLLOWING SONGS ARE ALL INSTRUMENTAL  DEMO BASIC TRACKS  SEEM TO BE WHEN TRACKS WERE B