Imperial College Podcast

Podcast: Feeling like a scientist, wastewater disease tests, and summer droughts



In this edition: When a scientist begins to feel like one, monitoring wastewater for diseases like COVID-19, and how droughts led to hosepipe bans. News: Flu campaign kick-off and 3D-printing drones – We find out what we might expect from this year’s flu season as the vaccination drive gets going, and learn about new drones that could 3D-print and repair buildings, working together as a fleet. Feeling like a scientist: the space scientist – When does a scientist first start to feel like one? We introduce a new series exploring the careers of some of our scientists, beginning with Jesús Manuel Muñoz Tejeda, who studies space propulsion technology. Testing wastewater for disease – We meet Claire Trant, Imperial alum and co-founder of Untap, a company that automatically tests wastewater in communal buildings including factories and offices to identify the presence of diseases like COVID-19. When droughts lead to hosepipe bans – We get the lowdown on this year’s droughts from Dr Barnaby Dobson, who explains ho