Street Faith

LIFE IN THE PRESENCE BONUS 1: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit



In our recent Prayer and Perspectives series, dealing with covid19 and the multiple challenges surrounding it, we’ve talked a lot about the need for truth and wisdom. We’ve discussed the fact that God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear but of Power and Love and a clear sound mind. We’ve talked about the need for an ongoing intimate relationship with Him…and the need to listen and hear. But the truth of the matter is, many people, including many Christians, do not sense the presence and power of God in their lives right now. And many have no clear sense of God’s direction for their lives in this moment. As we approach Pentecost (May 31 this year), it’s possibly more important than at any time in most of our lives to look and remember the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost immediately following Jesus’ resurrection. As promised, the Holy Spirit, the very Presence of God, came to empower and guide those first Jesus followers. And that same Holy Spirit is available now to fill and guide and empower