Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom 5.12: The Way Things Really Are



Has your identity changed with advent of the COVID 19 Crisis? Has your perspective changed? Who do you think you are? How do you see yourself “fitting in” today…in your family? Your circle of friends? Your job? Are you able to make a real difference in anyone’s life? Or are you just one more voice among many…trying to be heard…above all the headlines and opinions and other voices and influences…and distractions? How do you see your world here and now? The people around you? Do you really believe that you could be the most important person in somebody’s life today? Do you know that you’re dangerous…to the devil…and all the destructive things that He wants to do to your family and friends and the people around you? Do you really believe that? God does! And He wants to open your eyes to the way things really are! We recorded this audio podcast about four weeks ago. We’re releasing it now because the discussion is probably more relevant now than ever. For all of us. We need to understand the big picture. The ti