Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom 5.11—It’s Time For Us All to Grow Up



We need to pray. We need God’s wisdom. All of us. Now. Because even now, in the midst of the current local, national and global crisis, the same old conflicts have found a way of emerging in our public discourse. It may actually be worse now that most of our interactions are taking place online, behind a keyboard, with no face to face nuances. It’s just out there. Often unfiltered. Words on a screen. But it’s there. The same old hair-trigger disagreements, finger pointing and accusation and criticism and vitriolic partisan bickering. And people are bound to be more tense than ever before. Some very important questions arise, even more acutely now, for an authentic Jesus follower. What do I say now? What do I do now? What does God want from me? I pray. I go to church. I talk about Jesus whenever it’s not going cause a disagreement. Sometimes I talk about Jesus…even when I know that it will cause a conflict. And I vote. And I sign petitions. I’ve even attended a rally or two. But what am I supposed to do whe