Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom 5.8—Explicit Truth for Today



Since our last podcast, we’ve been to Kenya and we’ve been incredibly encouraged to see how God’s Kingdom is breaking out there…in the streets and in marketplace situations. We’ve been talking with brothers and sisters around the world who are laying their lives down for Jesus in tangible ways, in nations and local communities where being a Christian is dangerous business. We’ve been writing and developing new material to help you pursue the Kingdom in your spheres of influence. Your family. Your friends. Your neighbors. Your colleagues at work. And, we’re working on practical strategies…and talking points…to help you begin to have some of the conversations you’ve told us you want to have with the people around you. The people who desperately need to hear and be touched by God’s Truth and Power in their real world, day to day lives. With all this in mind, we're releasing our very first podcast episode for 2020. “Explicit Truth for Today.” It’s the first in our brand new series of “talking points” and perspec