Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom 5.7--This Is What the Kingdom Looks Like



Stories have power. They take ideas, or truths, and dress them out in real life flesh and circumstance. Jesus spent a lot of his time telling stories. Parables. Chances are that many if not all of them were based on actual events that he seen or heard about, with names eliminated. But he always used them to make a point. To drive home a deeper meaning about the nature of life and the Kingdom of God. The four gospels and the book of Acts provide a powerful account of Jesus’ own life and ministry, and those of some of his disciples. But the accounts in the bible are also more than just stories. They are the Word, and they carry power and truth in them as well…for today. And now, as the Spirit of God moves through the homes and offices and factories and worksites and streets of our world, the story continues. His story. And ours. The story we can point to when we tell people of the need to repent, stop, change direction and be changed because this is happening. Now. The Kingdom of God is at hand. In today