Street Faith

Marketplace Kingdom 4.17--The Name of Jesus



More and more, it seems like we seldom hear the name of Jesus spoken in public or in the media unless it’s a subject of ridicule or used as an expletive or a profanity. We’re all familiar with the commandment, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”, and yet everywhere it is used loosely, disrespectfully and even blasphemously! But perhaps worse is the fashion in which many who consider themselves to be Christians lay claim to it glibly on Sunday but hide it the rest of the week. Or lay claim to the name while considering it one among many valid religious options. One of many paths to heaven. Nothing exclusive or offensive. Such approaches take the Name in vain as well, “having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” We talked a few weeks ago about the increasing levels of persecution that authentic Christians have been experiencing in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. And many of us have encountered situations where speaking out as a Christian in private conversation or in