
Welcome to LEADERS! This is the Explainer Episode.



Hi! I’m James Fratzke, the host of LEADERS. On each episode, I’ll interview a proven Leader, CEO, Entrepreneur, or Founder and unpack their story of success.There’s this quote I love by Sir Isaac Newton “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” And that’s how I try to live my life and run my business. That’s why we started this podcast. Yes, there are countless podcasts where super successful people talk to other super successful people. All to help us the common folk reach their levels success. But this is podcast is different. I’m an infinite learner who’s less concerned with how something was done and more intrigued with why. I want to learn from others and share those lessons with like-minded people.Every question I ask is driven by curiosity. I honestly want to learn and understand the stories and habits behind each and every leader’s success.So whether I’m talking to the CEO of a successful coffeehouse that has raised over $75 million in venture capital. Or a