The Sonya Looney Show

Elements of Metabolic Resilience with Levels Health Dr. Taylor Sittler



Dr. Taylor Sittler is the Head of Research at Levels Health, a company dedicated to helping people optimize their metabolic health. Levels provides real-time feedback on how diet and lifestyle choices impact metabolic health through biosensors like continuous glucose monitors. Dr. Sittler is a physician and entrepreneur, previously co-founding Color Health. He completed his residency in clinical pathology at UCSF and started a genetics research group with David Patterson in the computer science department at UC Berkeley. Dr. Sittler received a Howard Hughes Medical training grant and scholarship during medical school at the University of Massachusetts and UCSD and has published papers on pathogen detection and characterization, genetic sequence analysis and algorithms, and several other topics related to systems biology.  In this week's podcast, Dr. Sittler and Sonya talk about defining metabolic health, what you need to consider to be metabolic resilient, and topics like blood glucose, sleep, chronic, a