Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

348: Achieve Your Goals Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible in 2023 with Megan Porta



If you are a food blogger who can relate to any of the following challenges, this episode is for you! You feel like you are spinning your wheels constantly. You're working harder than ever, but never seem to get anywhere. You feel isolated and alone and unsupported in the work you do as a blogger. That "next level" feels so hard to reach and you're not even remotely sure about how to get there. Either you don't have clearly defined goals or your current goals seem unattainable. You don't have a clue what projects are relevant and where your focus should be. The 2023 Eat Blog Talk Mastermind program is opening enrollment and could be the solution to your challenges! Inside this episode you will hear from current members who have seen transformations happen in their business after being in this impactful group. To achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible, apply for the 2023 Eat Blog Talk mastermind program at: