Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine's Fiction Podcast

EPISODE 109: “E.Q. Griffen Earns His Name” by Josh Pachter



This month’s podcast takes us back to 1968 and the debut of one of EQMM’s youngest contributors ever, Josh Pachter. At the age of sixteen the budding author and Ellery Queen fan produced this story, which saw print in EQMM's December 1968 issue, in the Department of First Stories. This month marks the fiftieth anniversary of that issue going on sale. In the ensuing years Josh Pachter has produced dozens of other distinguished short stories and collaborative works, as well as crime-fiction translations. To celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of his EQMM debut, a new story featuring the central character of this tale, Ellery Queen Griffen, appears in our current issue, November/December 2018, and the author has recorded for our podcast this reading of “E.Q. Griffen Earns His Name."http://joshpachter.comhttps://www.free-stock-music.com