Actual Anarchy Podcast

Episode 51 - Poverty Inc. with Walter Block (1:29:53)



Walter Block joins us for our Thanksgiving Special. Being the beginning of the holiday season, with good will toward man and all that, it felt appropriate to discuss charitable giving and the premises of the documentary, "Poverty Inc.". One recommendation, before watching the movie, please read the article by Block and Fryzek, then watch, then re-read the paper. You will get much more out of the movie and gain some economic insights that are easily missed.Show notes at and I analyze popular movies from a Rothbardian/AnarchoCapitalist perspective.We use movies as a starting point for people who may not be familiar with this way of thinking.   Discussion of the plot and decisions that characters make in relation to morality and violations of the non-aggression principle are our bread and butter.We also will highlight and discuss any themes or lessons from Austrian Economics that we can glean from the film.The point is to show what anarchy actually is with instances that are pre