Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine's Fiction Podcast

EPISODE 86: “The Nine Mile Walk” by Harry Kemelman



Throughout 2016 Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine has been celebrating its 75th anniversary. This last recording for 2016 is particularly appropriate for an anniversary celebration. Harry Kemelman is one of a number of notable authors who got their start in the pages of EQMM. The creator of the bestselling Rabbi David Small series, his work first appeared in print in the April 1947 issue of EQMM. He had entered the magazine’s second annual worldwide short story contest, and was awarded, along with two other new writers, a special prize, along with publication of his story. Reading that first, award-winning Kemelman story, “The Nine Mile Walk,” for this podcast is EQMM’s book reviewer, Steve Steinbock. www.themysteryplace.com/eqmm