Flipping America

Flipping America 573, House Flipping With Bruce, Part Tw0



I don’t encourage everyone to drop what they are doing and start flipping houses. But someone listening to my voice right now is going to start flipping houses and change your life. Thank you to everyone who made my book, “Flipping Houses in Ten Days” an international number 1 bestseller. And if you don’t have it yet, just put bit.ly/10dayflipper into your browser and it will take you to the Amazon page where you can order it. You can still get the Kindle version for free if you act quickly. House Flipping is going to make a comeback in 2023. Opportunities will be more plentiful and I predict that you will even be buying REOs from the MLS like in the good ole’ days. No wait - that might be going too far. But maybe… Last time we started a conversation with Bruce Glenn about Flipping Houses. This time we will finish it. He is a master house flipper and licensed appraiser from Birmingham, AL. We will conclude that conversation in a few minutes.