Everything Hertz

164: The great migration



James and Dan discuss the recent migration of scientists from Twitter to Mastodon and the pros and cons of sharing the prior submission history of manuscripts The Mastodon thread (https://mas.to/@SteinbockGroup/109385540133459884) discussion the submission history policy in American Chemical Society Journals The "Weekend at Bernies" film (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weekend_at_Bernie%27s) Our new Mastodon account: @hertzpodcast@mas.to (https://mas.to/@hertzpodcast) James' leaf blower man haiku (https://techhub.social/@jamesheathers/109394055056309720) Other links Everything Hertz on social media - Dan on twitter (https://www.twitter.com/dsquintana) - James on twitter (https://www.twitter.com/jamesheathers) - Everything Hertz on twitter (https://www.twitter.com/hertzpodcast) - Everything Hertz on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/everythinghertzpodcast/) Support us on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/hertzpodcast) and get bonus stuff! $1 per month: A 20% discount on Everything Hertz merchandise, access