Didier Soulier's Podcast

Ep 36 - Mini - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho



Bonjour my friends, Mini series about one of the best selling book of all time, the Alchemist. I do not want to spoil the fun so I will be brief in describing this book to you to inspire you to read it. The story is a spanish boy called Santiago, a shepherd who get this dream about a tresor by the pyramid of Egypt, and go to find his personal legend. This book is full of great moral and spiritual aspect of life, I can only say it’s a must read and you will take on what will speak to you. Santiago embarks on his journey through north africa and meet friends and thief along the way. I love that at some point the book reveals that when you are doing good with your life it affect others around you and in terms of the rest of the world. This is a short novel but is really a joy to read, it’s relevant for today's world and our envie to listen to life opportunities, unless we discard it and at some point the signs stop coming to us and we accept who and where we are. I honestly recommend this great book and you