Didier Soulier's Podcast

Ep26 Depression mind trick?



Bonjour my lovelies, Do you feel depressed on a regular basis, or just get that monday blue, especially in winter times? I’m prone to be more depressed in winter times, I do not feel like myself in the dark winter months, and it got worse the older I got. And of course I’m like anyone, I get a bit low from time to time, I just manage it better now than I used to. Anyway, last week I was a bit low, and I thought I would call a friend to lighten my mood a little. So there I am, dialing my mate phone: Hello, how are you doing you old fart? ( Yes I do say that to some of my friends, actually I love it when my friends insult me, I love tough love.) Anyway, the reply was, Nah mate, I’m having a shit time right now, so I inquired into the matter further and asked him what was up. After listening for about 20 minutes about his latest relationship problems, with my following advice on the matter, which he totally discarded (I found out later that month) I decided, hell shit I’m just going to ring another friends s