Amber Leitz

9 Desirable Side Effects of Working With Me



This is a repurposed Instagram live from the other day: I go deeper into each of these in the episode, but I’ll highlight them here: 1. You’re going to have a relaxed nervous system no matter what is going on 2. You’ll eliminate stress, charge & stuck patterns that have kept you feeling trapped and you’ll feel free instead 3. You’re going to feel sexy AND secure with money, therefore, you’ll let more of it in 4. Neutralize charge around traumatic money experiences (one time events) or clear every day/constant anxiety/stress/fear WITH pleasure & erotic energy so that you can show up in your soul’s fullest potential 5. Become your own Financial Daddy & put the strategy & systems in place that allow money to come in, flow out & stack while feeling taken care of, held & supported 6. You’ll feel more confident setting boundaries and speaking your truth 7. You’ll feel safe to express yourself in the bedroom, online, in your creativity 8. You’ll have hotter sex & deeper orgasms & f