Cadence Health | Health Coaching And Nutrition Courses - The Cadence Couch



The Cadence Couch


  • Recovery after game day with Don Singe


    Join Don Singe on The Cadence Couch, as he discusses the all important recovery after game day. Getting you back to best ready for that next training session. recovery.mp3File Size: 5485 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

  • The second instalment in the "Don Singe: Tips for Game Day" is here.


    Join Don Singe on The Well Couch as he shares his top tips on preparation during those days leading up to the all important game day. Stay tuned as Don continues to share his knowledge around preparation and recovery. the_day_before_your_day_off.mp3File Size: 4790 kbFile Type: mp3Download File Have you got some questions you would like Don to answer?Join Don for a LIVE webinar on 23rd May 2018 at 5:45pm AEST. Click here to join.Don's going to answer y [...]

  • Cadence Health's Head of Sports Performance, Don Singe, runs through the day before the captains run


    The very knowledgable Don, runs through some tips and information for the day before your captains run. Stay tuned for more of Don's wonderful tips on the preparation and recovery for athletes.  day_before_captains_run.mp3File Size: 4145 kbFile Type: mp3Download File If you would've got any questions for Don, check out his live Q & A session. If you're already a Cadence Health Student, you can access this live session for free. Simply email the office with any questions. [...]

  • An insight into all things womens health with Dr Beverley Lawton


    Founder of the Centre for Women's Health, Dr Beverley Lawton, chats with Leanne about the advances in womens health. A great discussion about the differences between health in New Zealand and Australia as well as an insight about up and coming improvements in the health system.  leannes_interview_with_bev_on_womens_health.mp3File Size: 24122 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

  • A behind the scenes look at the world of PT courses with owner of PT Academy, Dom dos Remedios


    Dom dos Remedios, owner of PT Academy, joins our very on Don Singe for a chat on the Cadence Couch. Make a cuppa and put your feet up as these two know how to chat! Dom gives an amazing insight into his life and how he came about Personal Training. He also takes us behind the scenes of how to become a Personal Trainer and the current changes to the industry.  dons_interview_with_dom_from_pta.mp3File Size: 29473 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

  • Running a successful business after a life in the professional sporting world with Karla Gilbert


    Karla Gilbert won numerous Australian and International titles as an Ironwoman and has now become a Cadence Health Nutrition and Health Coaching Graduate. We sat down with Karla to chat about her life after sport, running a successful business as well as being a mum to her two gorgeous girls.  karlagilbertinterview.mp3File Size: 21860 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

  • An insight into the vegan athlete world with Hollie Kempton


    We dive into Hollie's world as a vegan athlete to talk about her daily routine and diet. Hollie is a Cadence Health Nutrition and Health Coaching Graduate and shares with us her journey of transitioning to a plant based diet whilst still maintaining her intense training schedule. You can find this podcast on iTunes by searching Cadence Health. an_interview_with_hollie_kempton.mp3File Size: 18335 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

  • Ever felt ashamed or unattractive in your own skin?


    ​We are so excited to share with you the story of Nikki Spagnolo, a Cadence Health Nutrition and Health Coach graduate with you all. In this awesome podcast you will learn how Nikki has turned her struggles into a successful Nutrition and Health Coaching business where she is able to help others with the very same struggles she has faced. You can find this podcast on iTunes as well by searching Cadence Health. an_interview_with_nikki_spagnolo.mp3File Size: 19162 kbFile Type: mp3D [...]

  • An insight into professional sports with Don Singe


    ​Extracting the best from both teams and individuals at elite levels of competition takes not only a skilled and experienced trainer but also an absolute motivator.  Strength & Conditioning Coach and Course Convenor, for our newest multi - unit program, Don Singe has joined us on the couch to talk about the highs and lows of working within professional sports and how he cultivates that maximum level of commitment in professional sports people. You can find this podcast on iTu [...]