Kinsella On Liberty

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 409:37:13
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Austro-Anarchist Libertarian Legal Theory


  • KOL334 | On Habeas Data with Sebastian

    15/05/2021 Duración: 01h23min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 334. A libertarian named Sebastian is researching the issue of "habeas data" from a libertarian perspective, and wanted to discuss with me. So we did. This involves issues and questions such as: Proposition: Habeas Data is emerging in some countries as a legal or constitutional writ predicated on a personal autonomy right to one's personal data. From a libertarian perspective, is this a type of bodily/personal autonomy "property" right? What if the data is held by a public official/state organization and the habeas data remedy is limited to access/correcton/deletion from a public database? Is this libertarian? Is our private data always private vis-a-vis the never claim-of-right of the State?  Is that at odds with a bodily autonomy view of privacy/private property (information) rights? This is of interest as the Latin American/OAS writ is trending toward personal information as a kind of personal (bodily) autonomy right. What is the relation between Habea

  • KOL272-2 | Q&A with Hülsmann, Dürr, Kinsella, Hoppe (PFS 2019)

    09/05/2021 Duración: 54min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 274-2. This is the Q&A panel following my talk [KOL274 | Nobody Owns Bitcoin (PFS 2019)] for the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society, Bodrum, Turkey (Sept. 12–17, 2019). For the four panelists' talks, see the Program, or the PFS 2019 YouTube Playlist. Transcript below. Q&A with Hülsmann, Dürr, Kinsella, Hoppe (PFS 2019) Unedited Transcript, with Guido Hülsmann, David Dürr, Stephan Kinsella, Hans-Hermann Hoppe Sept. 15, 2019 00:00:09 M: Hans, congratulations.  Your speech was really good food for thought, and because I want to hear more of it, I’ll try to challenge you and just create a little bit.  You made it seem as if going from a state of more culture as human beings to a state of culture somehow was a conscious agreement between human beings to find tools or artifices to reach the purposes.  And to me it seems like too much of separation between nature and culture because we see among animals quite a lot of complicated languages. 00:0

  • KOL333 | Jeff Tucker: Understanding IP: An Interview with Stephan Kinsella (2010)

    08/05/2021 Duración: 25min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 333. This is my interview by Jeff Tucker (Oct. 9, 2010), which preceded my first presentation of the Mises Academy course “Rethinking Intellectual Property: History, Theory, and Economics” (Nov.-Dec. 2010). For the second presentation in 2011, see KOL172 | “Rethinking Intellectual Property: History, Theory, and Economics: Lecture 1: History and Law” (Mises Academy, 2011). Transcript below. Youtube: Understanding IP: An Interview with Stephan Kinsella, Mises Daily (Oct. 21, 2010) 10/21/2010Jeffrey A. TuckerStephan Kinsella Jeffrey Tucker: Stephan Kinsella, it's a pleasure to have you here today. Welcome. Stephan Kinsella: Thank you. It's good to be here. Tucker: We're going to talk about your class for the Mises Academy, on intellectual property. Kinsella: Yes, I'm looking forward to it. We've been planning it for quite a while, as you know. I think the first course will be on November 1st for six weeks and then

  • KOL332 | The Bitcoin Group #255​ – $50K – Morgan Stanley – Wright Lawsuit – Bitcoin is Green


    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 332. I appeared yesterday (Friday, April 23, 2021) on the World Crypto Network (Youtube channel) panel The Bitcoin Group #255, hosted by Thomas Hunt. The other panelists included the CryptoRaptor (Dan Eve; see video below); Ben Arc; and Josh Scigala of Vaultoro. We discussed a variety of topics, including— Bitcoin Price Decline Deepens, Heads for Worst Week Since February Morgan Stanley Clients Hold Nearly $30M In Bitcoin Funds JPMorgan Sounds Urgent Alarm On Bitcoin Price ‘Momentum’ After $300 Billion Bitcoin And Crypto Sell-Off UK Court Agrees to Hear Copyright Lawsuit Brought by Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Inventor Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk agree on bitcoin's green credentials Other related links: the Open Crypto Alliance, for which I serve on the Advisory Board Vijay Boyapati's upcoming book, based on his now-classic article "The Bullish Case for Bitcoin" (see this talk) My previous appearance at KOL323 | World Crypto Network: Announcing the Open Crypto

  • KOL331 | Phil Gibson: A Boy Named Pseu: Libertarianism, IP, Bitcoin, Austrian Economics, and the Hayekian Knowledge Problem …

    06/04/2021 Duración: 01h51min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 331. This is my appearance on Phil Gibson's podcast A Boy Named Pseu. Youtube video: From Phil's shownotes: Stephan Kinsella is an attorney and libertarian writer. We discuss: Libertarianism Patents Trademarks Intellectual Property Economics [See Knowledge vs. Calculation] Bitcoin and then some…

  • KOL330 | Lift Talks #2 With Kinsella & Sammeroff


    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 330. Lift Talks #2 — With Kinsella & Sammeroff. Two libertarian blokes on a ski vacation. Filmed Wednesday, March 31, 2021, Telluride Ski Resort. Part 1: KOL329 | Lift Talks #1 With Kinsella & Sammeroff Cross-posted on Scottish Liberty podcast. Bonus video: Three day skiing video compilation telluride March 2021

  • KOL329 | Lift Talks #1 With Kinsella & Sammeroff


    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 329. Lift Talks #1 —Telluride March 2021 — With Kinsella & Sammeroff. Two libertarian blokes on a ski vacation. Filmed Tuesday March 30, 2021, Telluride Ski Resort. [Update: Tom Woods and Antony discuss his travels across American in Ep. 1895 Traveling Through COVID America] Part 2: KOL330 | Lift Talks #2 With Kinsella & Sammeroff Cross-posted on Scottish Liberty podcast. Bonus video: Three day skiing video compilation telluride March 2021

  • KOL328 | Heterodorx Ep. 10 with Nina Paley: I.P. Everywhere!

    30/03/2021 Duración: 01h16min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 328. This is my appearance on Heterodorx Episode 10: I.P. Everywhere!, hosted by Nina Paley and Corinna Cohn (posted March 29, 2021; recorded March 25, 2021). Nina is also on the C4SIF Advisory Board. From the shownotes (see also Nina's Facebook post): Get ready for some hardcore Libertarian nerd-talk, as Corinna goes head-to-head with Stephan Kinsella, author of Against Intellectual Property, and Libertarianism’s foremost critic of copyright and patents.  Thrill to dazzling theories of labor vs. action, restrictive covenants, negative easements, burdened estates, nuisances, limitations, consent, redistribution of rights, triangular intervention, property, scarcity, value, allocation of contestable resources, conflict, trade secrets, the Patent Bargain, disclosure, distortion, abolishing the FDA…wait, what? By the end of the episode, Corinna suffers a long-overdue crisis of faith. SUCCESS! Related links: Stephan Kinsella, Against Intellectual Property Resour

  • KOL327 | Libertarian Answer Man: Selling vs. Owning: With Shea Fisker

    25/03/2021 Duración: 39min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 327. I was asked some questions about intellectual property, and how you can sell something (like information, or ideas, or even your labor) if you don't own it, by Shea Fisker, a budding libertarian and fellow libertarian. He had just the right attitude. He listened and thought, and asked reasonable questions when he had an issue that puzzled him. Would that so many cocksure pro-IP libertarians, who really know almost nothing about IP law itself and the fundamentals of libertarian property theory, or even how to argue or discuss issues without being tendentious, equivocating, or question-begging. Youtube below: Here is the interchange which led to this discussion (lightly edited), along with related links: Shea: Hi Stephan, I’m interested in your work on IP. If someone is creating digital products, do you think it’s OK to sell them, even though they are neither non-rivalrous nor non-excludable, simply with IP removed from the picture? For example, I noticed most of

  • KOL326 | Scottish Liberty Podcast: Discussing the Mossoff-Sammeroff IP Debate, Take 1: Under the Influence…

    21/03/2021 Duración: 01h17min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 326. [Update: Transcript appended below] Back on May 24, 2020, I appeared on the Scottish Liberty Podcast, with hosts Antony Sammeroff and Tom Laird. We discussed IP and related matters, including Sammeroff’s recent debate on the topic of IP with pro-IP Randian law professor Adam Mossoff. I was a bit drunk and it shows, and went off on a rant and was not as coherent as usual. The episode was entitled "Under the Influence... of Stephan Kinsella... Against Intellectual Property". We recorded a second episode on May 30, 2020, entitled "A Sober Conversation with Stephan Kinsella...," which was released as KOL289. I just realized I never posted the initial episode, so here it is, warts and all (unfortunately for fans of my drunken rants, I have quit drinking alcohol since I realized it's a destructive poison with no benefits at all, so this won't happen again). Previous episode: KOL289 | Scottish Liberty Podcast: Discussing the Mossoff-Sammeroff IP Debate, Take 2: A Sober Co

  • KOL324 | Wake Up Podcast Ep 37 with Aleks Svetski: AnCaps, Libertarians, IP & Bitcoin

    14/03/2021 Duración: 01h39min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 324. I was on Aleks Svetski's show Wake Up, Ep. 37. Youtube: From his shownotes: Stephan Kinsella is a Patent Attorney in Texas, Austrian AnCap philosopher, writer & hands down one of the smarter & most well-read people I've ever spoken to. In this ep, we discuss: - SK's Journey on Why or how he become a libertarian - Where Austrian Econ fit in? - A little about Bitcoin coming on the radar, and "fixing this". We discuss consistency of thought, principles and ideas. A little on Patent Law & Private property, although we'll probably do an Ep 2 in this. We explore: - Rand's critique on Anarchy - Rand's support of IP The difference between ownership & possession - Is Ownership is that which you can protect? - How do you prove initial possession? - How do you enforce ownership? Are the rules & norms of a community or city a sort of constitution? How do these rules scale across populations? How do you synchronise those larger scale ideas with societies that

  • KOL323 | World Crypto Network: Announcing the Open Crypto Alliance to Protect Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto

    04/03/2021 Duración: 45min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 323. Jed Grant and I appeared on the World Crypto Network channel with host Thomas Hunt to discuss the looming patent threat to bitcoin. Jed is Founder of the Open Crypto Alliance, for which I serve on the Advisory Board. Shownotes: Patents help protect the intellectual property of inventors and creators, but on occasion those same creators choose to make their works available to everyone, free of charge. Unfortunately, some predatory entities, known as patent trolls, prey on the users of these technologies through the civil courts. Their latest target? Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, which is why blockchain industry leaders and legal experts – including today’s guests, Stephan Kinsella & Jed Grant – have come together to form the Open Crypto Alliance, a group dedicated to preserving cryptocurrency & bitcoin technology’s open-source origins.

  • KOL322 | Bitcoin Within The Legal System–Crypt0Events, “Future IS Crypto!” Webinar Series


    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 322. From the Bitcoin Within The Legal System event, part of the Crypt0Events “Future IS Crypto!” Webinar Series (February 25, 2021). Jed Grant and I discussed the looming patent threat to bitcoin. Jed is Founder of the Open Crypto Alliance, for which I serve on the Advisory Board. Eleonore Blanc was also on the panel. Video below:

  • KOL321 | The Pending Patent Problem with The Open Crypto Alliance – The Tatiana Show Ep. 296

    24/02/2021 Duración: 49min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 321. This is my appearance The Tatiana Show, episode 296, with host Tatiana Moroz, in which Jed Grant and I discussed the looming patent threat to bitcoin. Jed is Founder of the Open Crypto Alliance, for which I serve on the Advisory Board. Tatiana’s shownotes below. The Youtube video is here:

  • KOL320 | Stephan Livera Podcast # 249–Bitcoin Patents & Open Crypto Alliance

    12/02/2021 Duración: 43min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 320. From my recent appearance on Stephan Livera’s bitcoin-focused podcast, SLP249 BITCOIN PATENTS & OPEN CRYPTO ALLIANCE WITH STEPHAN KINSELLA AND JED GRANT (recorded Feb. 2, 2021; released Feb. 5, 2021). [Update: See transcript here, and appended below] From the show notes: Stephan Kinsella and Jed Grant join me to chat about Open Crypto Alliance. We talk: Why IP laws are anti-liberty and anti-progress How progress has been delayed by improper concepts of property rights How Patent laws could hinder the Bitcoin industry The asymmetry of attack vs defense here How to stop overly broad patents How to support OCA Guest links:  Site: Stephan twitter: @NSKinsella Jed twitter: @JediGrant Prior episodes: SLP15 – Intellectual Property, Bitcoin, and Internet Censorship, with Stephan Kinsella SLP211 Steve Lee – Bitcoin Grants, Design & Crypto Patents (COPA) *** Transcript Podcast Transcript: d

  • KOL319 | The Libertarianism Litmus Test, Part 2 – With Keith Knight, “Don’t Tread on Anyone”

    10/02/2021 Duración: 01h05min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 319. This is Part II of my appearance on Keith Knight’s Youtube show “Don’t Tread on Anyone” (Feb. 3, 2021), discussing my “Libertarian Litmus Test” post on Facebook.  In this second hour or so of our discussion, we covered "Logic, Exploitation, Homesteading, & Freedom", and other issues (see below). See also KOL318 | The Libertarianism Litmus Test, Part 1 – With Keith Knight, “Don’t Tread on Anyone”. Time-markers: 0:00 - Logic v. Empiricism / Deontologicalism v. Utilitarianism 10:29 - Exploitation debate 11:34 - Who are the libertarian allies? 13:45 - Homesteading aka Original Appropriation 18:33 - Should I have to work to live? 21:52 - Personal v. Private property 32:05 - Socialist shortages 36:32 - Labor Theory of Value 50:05 - Order Givers v. Order Followers 1:00:53 - What is freedom?

  • KOL318 | The Libertarianism Litmus Test, Part 1 – With Keith Knight, “Don’t Tread on Anyone”

    08/02/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 318. This is my appearance on Keith Knight’s Youtube show “Don’t Tread on Anyone” (Feb. 3, 2021), discussing my "Libertarian Litmus Test" post on Facebook: Time to update the libertarian litmus test: To be a solid libertarian, you must be good on the following (ranked roughly in order of importance/obviousness): 1. IP 2. central banking/the Fed 3. taxation 4. the drug war 5. war 6. welfare 7. government education 8. the state (anarchist) 9. and now, covid lockdowns (no offense, paranoid and "respectable" libertards) I'll let you slide on one issue ("one deviation"), but one only. But you miss two, and you're relegated to Time Out. Youtube embedded below. See also KOL319 | The Libertarianism Litmus Test, Part 2 – With Keith Knight, “Don’t Tread on Anyone” Time markers: 0:00 - What is libertarianism? 2:19 - Intellectual Property 6:07 - History of IP 13:05 - Central banking 16:11 - Taxation 18:06 - Drug war 20:30 - War 22:39 - Welfare 24:28 - Sta

  • KOL317 | Decentralized Revolution (LP Mises Caucus Podcast) – Immigration, Gamestop, IP

    05/02/2021 Duración: 01h20min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 317. This is my appearance on Decentralized Revolution (the LP Mises Caucus podcast), episode 46, with host Aaron Harris. We discussed the Libertarian Party, IP, the incoming Biden administration, the GameStop/Robinhood story, and the work of Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

  • KOL316 | Discussion with Peter Schiff about Patent, Copyright, and Bitcoin


    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 316. At the prodding of Peter Schiff's son, who, unlike his dad, is anarchist, pro-bitcoin, and opposed to intellectual property, I had a discussion with Peter about IP. Didn't fully succeed in converting him to the anti-IP cause, but made a bit of headway. We also talked a bit about bitcoin, and the Saipan and Puerto Rico tax breaks available to Americans. It begins a bit abruptly, since we were chatting initially before I had started on the IP topic and we began talking about bitcoin, and it didn't seem like it was going to quickly end, so I hit record and we talked about bitcoin before getting around to IP and a few other topics like defamation, Saipan, etc. Additional resources: Kinsella, Intellectual Property and Libertarianism“ ———, “Legal Scholars: Thumbs Down on Patent and Copyright” (Oct. 23, 2012) ———, “The Overwhelming Empirical Case Against Patent and Copyright” (Oct. 23, 2012) Boldrin & Levine, Against Intellectual Monopoly Boldrin and Levine: The

  • KOL315 | The Rollo and Slappy Show: The Gamestop Short Squeeze

    01/02/2021 Duración: 01h15min

    Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 315. This is my appearance on the Rollo & Slappy  Show Episode 236 – The Libertarian Analysis of the GameStop Short Squeeze and Fallout with Silent Cal, JW Weatherman, and Stephan Kinsella. "There have been plenty of hot takes on what went down with the GameStop short squeeze by Wall Street Bets traders from Reddit and the fallout following the actions of Robinhood. It can get pretty technical, so we brought three guests, Silent Cal, JW Weatherman, and Stephan Kinsella, on to the show to unpack what happened and how we might analyze it from a libertarian perspective." We talked about bitcoin after recording stopped, JW and I trying to sell Silent Cal on it. Items mentioned Silent Cal’s Twitter thread Episode 177 – Stocks, Dumb Money, and Bitcoin Follow the guests Silent Cal JW Weatherman Stephan Kinsella

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