Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

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Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a Welsh Protestant minister, preacher and medical doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century.


  • Biblical Accountancy


    Romans 6:21 — The Bible gives a framework for determining whether or not one currently lives a successful or a foolish life. In this sermon on Romans 6:21 titled “Biblical Accountancy,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps the listener figure out for what or who they are living. There are only two choices that the Bible gives when one answers this question: they are either living for the world—in sin and death—or they are living for God and eternal life. If one is living in sin, Dr. Lloyd-Jones pleads with them to consider the end of their work. This is the unavoidable question that all must face, and yet are tempted to put off answering until it is too late. Anyone who is tired of shame, from being a slave to the world, and the overall burden of sin are encouraged to know there is hope in the life of God. Come, listen to what the truly good life is.

  • Believe God


    Romans 4:18-25 — What does it mean to believe in God? This question is at the heart of the Bible’s teaching on salvation and redemption; it is vital that everyone come to a clear understanding if what it means. In this sermon on Romans 4:18–25 titled “Believe God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at the apostle Paul’s example of Abraham. Abraham trusted in the promise of God that He would bring a savior from his seed who would redeem the whole world and break the power of sin and the devil. Though Abraham and Sarah were old and had no child, this did not stop them from trusting in God that He was able to bring about what was promised. This salvation comes when Jesus Christ is born of a virgin under the law and dies a death of propitiation for all who believe. Now all who are saved are those that believe in the promises of God made complete in Christ Jesus, and these are the same promises that Abraham believed in those thousands of years ago that have now been fulfilled in Christ. Trusting in God is the opposite

  • Delivered for Our Offences


    Romans 4:23-25 — In this sermon on Romans 4:23–25 titled “Delivered for Our Offences,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines why one cannot take the teachings of Jesus as moral philosophy to improve the world, but instead examine who the person of Jesus is. Jesus did not come into this world to be a moral teacher, but instead came so that the wrath of God could be satisfied in His death so that all could be forgiven. Humanity’s biggest problem is not the fears of this world, but the fact that all will soon die and face God. On that day when one dies, how will they stand before God? Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that all are guilty of not loving God as they should, and that they can do nothing in themselves to get rid of sin. It is in this truth that one can rightly examine why Jesus came, and that the greatest problem is not the chaos of the world, but the sin inside hearts.

  • Declared with Power


    Romans 1:1-4 — As the West continues to turn its back on Christianity, Christians wonder what their response should be. What is the church’s answer to the powerful forces of unbelief? In this Easter sermon on Romans 1:1­–4 titled “Declared with Power,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones reminds Christians of the Son of God in power. How did the Son of God attain such power? If the incarnation is characterized by Christ’s humiliation, the resurrection of the Son of God is characterized by His power. But Dr. Lloyd-Jones warns that there is no power if one denies the literal bodily resurrection. As liberal Christianity reduces the resurrection to a “spiritual” resurrection by asserting His followers experienced Christ in a dream, vision or trance, Dr. Lloyd-Jones corrects such skepticism by pointing to the apostolic preaching in the early church. The apostles preached the fact of the resurrection. The resurrection, according to Paul, was an event where the Son of God was openly appointed in power. Without the fact of the re

  • Are You a Christian?


    How can someone know that they are a Christian? In this sermon on Acts 24:26­–29 titled “Are You a Christian?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones presents one of the most important ways one can know that they are living like the apostle Paul. Paul speaks of how Christians can and should live a life that does not depend on external circumstances for happiness. This is because Christians are to find their hope, happiness, and comfort in who God is. Unbelievers are always distressed because they have nothing to trust; they have no firm foundation for life. Paul wished that all men, women, and children trusted in Jesus for their happiness as he did. The Christian message has a very practical application for all of life. It tells that all can be free from worry and fear because of how great God is. This sermon calls each and every one to forsake their sins and believe in Jesus. It tells that there is no other hope in this life, or in the next, other than what is found in Jesus Christ. Only God can grant true happiness.

  • Why is the Gospel Rejected?


    Acts 26:25 — Why do people reject the only message of salvation? All throughout Scripture, men and women confront Jesus and His message of forgiveness and absolution from all sins, yet they reject it. In this sermon on Acts 26:55 titled “Why is the Gospel Rejected?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones seeks to answer the question. If one believes the Bible, then they know that all are in sin and enslaved to their selfish desires. They do not love or seek what is good and godly. So even in the undeniable fact of their need for sin and of Christ dying and rising again for the salvation of sinners, people are still unwilling to come to God. Even though all are destined to die, they still refuse to come to their only source of salvation: the gospel. Holy Scripture tells that no one can come to the Father unless Jesus draws them. No one can believe in the gospel because they are enslaved to sin, but in God’s grace they can be saved. God can open the eyes of sinners to believe and receive new life in Christ.

  • Righteousness; Temperance; Judgement


    Acts 24:24-27 — The gospel makes fallen sinners uneasy because it condemns all sin and unrighteousness that defiles God’s law. In this sermon on Acts 24:24–27 titled “Righteousness, Temperance, Judgement,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shares that the message is not one of comfort but one that rightly condemns all who will not repent and believe in it. This is the case of Felix and Drusilla when the apostle Paul preaches the gospel to them. They are living in an adulterous relationship and unjustly holding Paul in prison. Paul does not try to convince them of the reasonability of Christianity and its claims, but tells them the need for righteousness and the great wrath when all will be judged for the deeds done in the flesh. This is why the gospel is such an urgent message, for all are appointed to die and suffer judgement. It is only by believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ that any can escape the righteous wrath of God. However, as Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains, often times the church is more concerned with politics

  • What Is a Christian?


    Acts 24:14-16 — Many in modern times say that Christianity is the kind of belief that is undefinable and unexplainable: it is not about propositions, but feelings. In this sermon on Acts 24:14–16 titled “What Is a Christian?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains why this is the wrong conception of Christianity. The apostle Paul says that at the center of Christianity is the resurrection of Christ. Because Christianity is a religion based in God’s revelation, it is God who defines what it means to be a Christian. God has told that to be a Christian is not merely a subjective feeling, but it is a belief in the truth of the gospel. It is a belief that Jesus has died upon the cross for sinners, and rose from the dead so that all who repent of their sins and believe in Christ are forgiven of all their sins. This sermon contains the message that everyone needs to hear; it is the message that all can have peace with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is the message that Christianity is about both subject

  • Unbelief and Division


    Acts 23:6-8 — Being religious does not guarantee salvation. In this sermon on Acts 23:6–8 titled “Unbelief and Division,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows how there are many in Scripture who pass themselves off as being deeply religious, but are not saved. This is the condition of the Jewish Pharisees and Sadducees that opposed the apostles, particularly Paul, and they represented the unbelieving in many respects. They are well-educated intellectuals who are blinded by their sin from believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This unbelief is prejudiced opposition. They oppose the message of Christ because it contradicts their traditions, for they had no place for a crucified Messiah who had no kingdom and who came from an uneducated family. Unlike the Jewish leaders, he was not born into the top of the social pyramid and educated. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains how modern humanity rejects the gospel for many of the same reasons. They think it is backwards and old fashioned. They say it is intellectually ridiculous, but

  • The Glory of the Gospel


    Acts 20:24 — What is the only hope for the world? What is the only light that can pierce the darkness of sin and evil? In this sermon on Acts 20:24, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gives the one answer found in Holy Scripture: the gospel. There is no hope for this world apart from the electing grace of God in Jesus Christ. God sent His only Son into the world to die upon the cross in the place of sinners and the very enemies of God so that all who repent of their sins and believe in Jesus are saved. All who trust in Christ receive the grace of God. The Bible tells us that all salvation is wholly the result of God’s grace that He gives freely. There is nothing anyone can do to save themselves. God has given the ultimate gift of salvation to sinners who by nature hate God and all His ways. What grace! This sermon calls each and every man, woman, and child to repent of their sins and look to Jesus Christ as their only hope and comfort in this world. There is no other hope than Jesus Christ.

  • The Sons of Sceva


    Acts 19:13-16 — Many in the modern church are like the seven sons of Sceva who know of Christianity, but they are not truly regenerate. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches in this sermon on the Sons of Sceva from Acts 19:13–16, they have yet to give up their worldly ways and believe in the truth of the gospel. Many associate themselves with the church for social or financial gain. They are self-deceived hypocrites who try to use Christianity for worldly gain and pleasures. Many of these people are simply humanists or socialists who use Christianity as a platform for their ideologies. This kind of association for gain has been prevalent whenever Christianity is viewed as socially expedient. But this has the terrible effect of creating false believers who have never truly believed in the gospel of Jesus Christ or repented of their sins. This is why there are so many Christians who resemble the world more than Christ. The answer to this is a call to true faith in the only gospel that can save. It is a call for al

  • The Resurrection; its Relevance Today


    Acts 17:18 — The fact of the resurrection stands at the center of Christianity. The empty tomb is the sign of God’s promise to raise Christ from the dead as a testament to His victory over sin. Yet sceptics scorn the idea of the physical and bodily resurrection. In this sermon on the resurrection from Acts 17:18, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that there is nothing new in their criticisms against the resurrection, for in the days of the apostles there were those who scorned and scoffed at the resurrection. But there is no excuse for rejecting the resurrection because all the evidence is clear: Christ rose from the dead. But it is sin that corrupts and blinds, so humankind is unable and unwilling to believe in Jesus. Humanity’s fundamental problem is that they are sinful. All humanity’s great wisdom and learning is subject to its sinful nature. The only answer to humanity’s problem is the grace of God in salvation. God has appointed His Son as the only way anyone can be saved. The only escape from the judgement

  • Death is not the End


    Acts 17:1-4 — How has God overcome death? All people know that eventually they will die, either from disease or some other way. Death is a universal human experience. God’s word teaches that death is not a part of the original creation, but exists only because of sin. In this sermon on Acts 17:1-4 titled “Death is Not the End,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the great truth of God’s conquest over sin and death, and the life that all who trust in God will have. God has overcome sin and death by dying upon the cross to remove the power of sin and its curse, death. All who repent of their sins and believe in Jesus Christ will be forgiven of all unrighteousness. In the last day, when every human who has ever lived will be resurrected, those who are in Christ will not suffer any judgement, but they will be made perfect by the grace of God. The sermon points all true believers to the great hope of the future life with Christ in the new heaven and the new earth. But to those that do not trust in Jesus now, this

  • It Was Necessary for the Christ to Suffer


    Acts 17:1-4 — In this sermon on Acts 17:1–4 titled “It was necessary for the Christ to suffer,” from Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, he preaches about Christ being the pivot point of history. More specifically, Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection are the turning point and only hope for humankind. The only way to be saved, Dr. Lloyd-Jones beckons, is through the sacrifice of God made flesh. The greatest offense in the history of humankind is the murder of Jesus Christ. Yet through this horrid event, the curtain was torn and humankind is given access to the Holy of Holies. Dr. Lloyd-Jones thoroughly repeats how Christ must have suffered. This means that the Messiah had to suffer and lose His life in order for anyone to receive life. It is only through faith that people have access to the blessings Jesus Christ has accomplished for humanity. Dr. Lloyd-Jones exhorts that there is no other way to be saved than through the Son of God. He begs his listeners to show their gratitude to Jesus Christ by giving their lives to H

  • The Edification of the Church


    Acts 9:31 — How is the church built up? In this sermon on Acts 9:31 titled “The Edification of the Church,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that the church of Jesus Christ can only grow into godliness if the church looks to His word. By studying Scripture as individuals and as a corporate body, Christians are convicted of their sins and built up in the love of God. Part of being a Christian is becoming like Jesus through study and meditation of the Bible. Whether in times of peace or in times of intense persecution, Christians are given the responsibility of using their time to grow and mature. Dr. Lloyd-Jones exhorts Christians not to be lax in times of peace and prosperity, but to always seek to make use of what God has given them. He points to the early church as an example of what this looks like and as an example that the church of today can emulate. In all times and in all places, the church is called to faithfully obey God and seek to become more like Him. This is true in times of peace, as well as in

  • Face to Face with Christ


    Acts 9:6 — “Lord, what will you have me to do?” This reveals the very heart of Paul. In this sermon on Acts 9:6 titled “Face to Face with Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones presses that the beliefs of a Christian’s heart will be proven by what they practice. Before his salvation, Paul, previously known as Saul, went about persecuting Christians. But at salvation, just as every true believer must, he surrendered his will to God instead of arguing against the gospel or searching for loopholes to avoid obedience. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains the powerful peace one receives when they are finally ready to listen and to learn. Just as a child is curious to understand the world around them, so are new believers hungry to understand their Savior. At salvation, Paul saw the utter failure of his efforts. His self-reliance vanished and he turned to God, humbly asking “Lord what wilt thou have me to do?” He surrendered his will to the one glorious Father who died for him and for all. The proof of salvation is in a willing and e

  • When First You Believe


    Acts 9:6 — The world wants salvation in addition to the current way of life. It wants to remain in sin while enjoying the hope of heaven. In this sermon on Acts 9:6 titled “When First You Believe,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones dispels this myth by confronting the cold heart that hears of Christ’s work on the cross yet remains emotionally unmoved and entrenched in sin. Salvation involves a grief over sin that demands immediate, eternal separation from God in hell. True conversion requires the conviction of the heart and mind over the grief of sin and the guilt that one cannot escape, and results in a triumphant faith that fears sin because of the price paid by the Savior. The saving truth of the gospel changes everything and leaves joyful praise from a new heart overflowing with the love of God. The proof of salvation flows in obedience to His Word and affection from the King.

  • Saul of Tarsus; Christian


    Acts 9:6 — The world today is filled with false conversion: people who know about Jesus, but do not actually know Jesus. In this sermon on Acts 9:6 titled “Saul of Tarsus, Christian,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones brings the listener face to face with the saving power of the gospel. It is the gospel that produces contrition, the sense of fear and trembling that comes when sin is exposed, and the need for forgiveness is made clear. More than a temporary emotional experience, true conversion involves the will, heart, and the mind. True repentance abandons the former life and looks back with gratitude and thankfulness for the patience of Christ in saving sinners. The love of Jesus surrounds His child and brings a peace that surpasses all human understanding. The saved child of God now looks at hell and realizes they have been saved from it, by their gracious and loving Lord.

  • Saul on the Road to Damascus


    Acts 9:1-5 — The circumstances of life can turn dire in a matter of moments. The facade of life gets ripped away and in an instant, the saving grace of God stands in clear contrast to the path that leads to destruction. Paul was on that path. As he traveled the road to Damascus, God broke through with a blinding light and dropped the persecutor Saul to his knees. In this sermon about Saul on the road to Damascus from Acts 9:1–5 titled “A Fact of History,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the inward change that happens when one gains a clear view of the Savior’s face and hears the words of Jesus. The hatred, depravity, and desperation that once filled the heart is replaced by peace, contentment, and faith. Outside circumstances cannot change the heart. That is where the gospel does its work. New life begins when the light of Christ tears away the autonomy of life and reveals the desperate dependency on the Savior. It is then that all can know true victory over sin, death, and the devil.

  • An Encounter with God


    Acts 9:4 — "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" With this question, the notorious persecutor Saul had a face to face encounter with Jesus. Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones recounts this divine confrontation that transformed an enemy of the cross into a child of God. When culture screams for autonomy from God, the grace of God rips away the mask of cultural Christianity. Now, as one who is forgiven and at peace with our Savior, the Christian learns to be silent, to listen and to submit to Christ’s will. No one is saved as a family or a nation, but only an individual can be spared from the wrath of God by the conviction of sin and the forgiveness of the Savior.

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