Romans (2010)



Romans has always been one of the favorite books of thoughtful Christians. In this epistle, the apostle Paul logically delineates the foundation and structure of Christian doctrine. The righteousness of God has been accurately identified as the central message of this epistle. How the righteousness of God relates to a human history of suffering, pain, and injustice, has been a frequent question through the ages. In Romans, Paul's answer shows that this question cannot be addressed in a sound bit


  • 123 - The Lump of Dough and the Olive Tree [b]

    14/11/2013 Duración: 01h03min

    Here's a riddle for you: What do an olive tree and a lump of dough have in common? Listen to this lesson to learn how the Apostle Paul uses these two illustrations to show how God's sovereignty selects groups for certain purposes. Learn about the cause of the blindness of the Jewish nation and how this opened the door for Gentiles to become a temporary channel of blessing to the world. Be warned that this should not lead to pride on their part.

  • 122 - The Remnant and Grace [b]

    07/11/2013 Duración: 01h04min

    "Lonely, I'm so lonely." Is this the refrain you're singing when you look around at all the people who reject God in the world today? Listen to this lesson to learn about a time when most of the Jewish people were heading down a path of self-destruction and laughing at God's messengers. At the same time there was a remnant of those who decided to prepare their hearts to follow Him. Even though they were ignorant of many of the commandments, God dealt with them graciously. Learn the difference between grace and works and listen to other examples of the Jewish remnant.

  • 121 - God Has NOT rejected or Replaced Israel [b]

    31/10/2013 Duración: 01h03min

    Just because you're a powerful warrior for God one day doesn't mean you can't become a whining, sniveling, namby-pamby coward the next. Listen to this lesson to find out how God came to the rescue of this prophet of Israel and interrupted his pity party. Follow Paul's argument for why the Jews should trust that God will keep all His promises to them in spite of their rejections of Him. Gain courage in your own life with the assurance that God is just as faithful to us and see how we can't second guess the methods God uses to fulfill His Word.

  • 120 -The Remnant [b]

    24/10/2013 Duración: 57min

    Feeling a little dizzy as you struggle to comprehend Romans, chapters 9 and 10? Seize this chance to take another run at understanding the vital concepts before arriving at Romans 11. Put yourself in the Apostle Paul's place as he finds pagan Gentiles believing the gospel message in droves while his own Jewish nation stubbornly believes that being Abraham's descendants give them an automatic ticket to heaven. As their jealous anger boils over, Paul, using Old Testament passages, carefully lays out proof that God will fulfill all His promises. End up ready to tackle the challenging conclusion to this section in Romans 11.

  • 119 - Faith, Hearing, Calling [b]

    17/10/2013 Duración: 01h02s

    Ancient prognostications about the future of the world splash across the news from time to time. Are any of them worthy of our attention? Listen to the Apostle Paul as he reminds the Jews of their remarkable prophets who laid out the steps they must take to call on the Name of the Lord. Find out how they promised physical deliverance from the wrath of God during the explosive end times and how this applies to both Jews and Gentiles. Gain assurance that what God promises, He will always fulfill.

  • 118 - Confessing Unto Salvation: The Deliverance of Israel and Gentiles, too [b]

    10/10/2013 Duración: 01h15s

    Will we go to heaven when we die if we've never told anyone that we believe in Jesus Christ for salvation? Listen to this lesson to learn what "confess with the mouth" means in Romans 10:9 with its special emphasis on the Jewish nation. Find out the three phases of salvation and how only one assures us of our eternal destiny and happens the instant we believe in Christ. Learn about the prophesied two returns of the Jews to the land and striking details of the coming Armageddon Campaign. Dr. Dean wrote a paper entitled "Believe and Confess: Does the Bible Teach a Two-Step Way to Salvation" for a book to be published by Bold Grace Ministries on Difficult Passages for a Free Grace Gospel. Click the Notes link to view this paper.

  • 117 - Righteousness and Life [b]

    03/10/2013 Duración: 01h02min

    Are you willing to take your chances that your good deeds are enough to satisfy the perfect righteousness of God? For thousands of years many people have chosen this flawed belief rather than God's plan. Listen to this lesson to learn how Paul stresses that our salvation can never be dependent on what we do but on Christ's death. Learn what the role of the Mosaic Law was and what Paul means when he says, "Christ is the end of the law." Find out how after we are justified by faith in Christ, we receive the imputation of perfect righteousness and are free to learn to walk in obedience to God.

  • 116 - Salvation, Not Justification [b]

    26/09/2013 Duración: 01h04min

    Are we puppets being manipulated to bring about God's plan for history or can we freely make our own choices? Listen to this lesson to learn that God is powerful enough to allow us free will but is nevertheless always bringing about His plans. Follow along to see that in spite of a pause because of the nation Israel's spurning of the Messiah, God's plan for them is still on track. Listen to a quick assessment of what has been covered so far in Romans and learn the difference between salvation and justification with the emphasis on righteousness.

  • 115 - Hardening, the Potter, and the Stumbling Stone [b]

    12/09/2013 Duración: 59min

    Insistent questions swirl around God "hardening Pharaoh's heart." Could it mean God made Pharaoh do the evil things he did to the Jews? Paul tackles this question by going to Old Testament scriptures. Learn four ways Old Testament scriptures are used in the New Testament. Review the three Hebrew words for "hardened". See how God's sovereignty is expressed in the destiny of nations but that everyone has the free will to choose or reject God's plan of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • 114 - Hardening Pharaoh's Heart [b]

    05/09/2013 Duración: 56min

    One of the most spine-chilling people in ancient history is the cruel Pharaoh of Egypt who allowed appalling disasters, including the death of his own son, rather than free the Jewish slaves. When we read that God "hardened" Pharaoh's heart, does it mean God forced His will on him? Listen to this lesson to learn about God's foreknowledge and man's free will. Find out four ways God used this event to bless the Jews and display His glory to all the nations.

  • 113 - God's Sovereign Plan and Moses [b]

    29/08/2013 Duración: 01h21s

    Can we figure out how God thinks and acts by using our human logic? Listen to this lesson to learn that God says His thinking is not our thinking. Learn how God has the right to decide what He will do and that we can rely on His faithfulness. See how each individual can use his free will to seek God and that God does not determine who will believe in Him. Listen in on a conversation between Moses and God to understand how Moses passes the test God gives him.

  • 112 - Children: Esau, Jacob and Election [b]

    22/08/2013 Duración: 01h06min

    If God ever backed off His promises to the Jews how could Christians trust Him? Listen to this lesson to see how God, in His Sovereignty, chooses individuals and nations to fulfill His purposes but doesn't choose who will be saved. Find out that "love and hate" in Hebrew expresses "love and love less." Learn the difference between the children of the promise and the children of the seed.

  • 111 - Election: Jacob and Esau [b]

    15/08/2013 Duración: 01h04min

    Can we count on God to keep His promises? Listen to this lesson to learn how the Apostle Paul wrestles with this question concerning God's promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Find out what it means to be Jewish and how those long lists of generations in the Bible are not there to put us to sleep. Watch out for "wolves in sheep's clothing" who say they are our spiritual teachers but don't stick to Bible texts.

  • 110 - Jesus is Fully God [b]

    08/08/2013 Duración: 01h07min

    "I know it's true. I saw some Bible programs on the Discovery and History channels. After all, they have all the experts on them, don't they?" Listen to this lesson to learn that the only expert on the Bible is the Bible itself. See that Christ existed before creation and that He is the Creator of all things. Learn that He is the very image of God and find out about the glory of Christ and the Shekinah glory. Hear how Christian martyrs were willing to die for their belief in the deity of Christ. Also includes Isaiah 7:14, 9:6; Micah 52; John 1:1-15; and Hebrews 1:3

  • 109 - Promises of a Divine Messiah - Part 3 [b]

    01/08/2013 Duración: 56min

    If you were asked why you believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, how would you answer? Listen to this lesson to understand that when the Apostle John calls Christ the "Logos", he was emphasizing that Christ pre-existed eternally in personal fellowship with God the Father. See how Christ is the Creator of all things and then became flesh as the God-Man, fully human and fully God. Learn how Isaiah in the Old Testament saw all three Members of the Trinity hundreds of years before Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. Also includes Isaiah 7:14, 9:6; Micah 5:2; Colossians 1:15-17; Hebrews 1:3

  • 108 - Promises of a Divine Messiah - Part 2 [b]

    25/07/2013 Duración: 01h01min

    Where should we turn when all around is gloom and darkness? Listen to this lesson to learn that the true source of light and truth is found in the Word of God. When Israel was in one of its darkest hours, God promised them a Messiah who would be both divine and human. Hear the rich meanings of the names of Christ in Isaiah 9:6. Follow the outline of Micah as it runs alongside Isaiah's prophecies. Take note of three key verses to memorize to share with unbelievers. Lesson also includes Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2; John 1:1-5; Colossians 1:1-15; Hebrews 1:3

  • 107 - Promises of a Divine Messiah - Part 1 [b]

    04/07/2013 Duración: 01h06min

    Who gives us our freedom and where do we get our rights? Listen to this lesson to see how the colonists recognized that government does not grant our rights but only God, our Creator, can. Learn the difference between being a gung-ho patriot and a loyal citizen in our country today. Discover how Isaiah 7:14 foretold the miraculous birth of the Messiah who would be called Immanuel, God with us.

  • 106 - The Messiah: God Incarnate. Romans 9:3-5 [c]

    27/06/2013 Duración: 01h04min

    If you want people to trust you, then you have to do what you say you'll do. We can have absolute trust in God because He always keeps His promises and covenants. Listen to this lesson to learn about eight covenants of God and how they impact mankind today. Discover two streams of prophecy in the Old Testament that foretell the Messiah will be both fully God and fully human and how God has not forgotten any of His promises to the house of David.

  • 105 - The Reason for Anti-Semitism [c]

    20/06/2013 Duración: 01h10min

    What does a mind-bending narrative about a great red dragon fighting against a pregnant woman clothed with the sun have to do with anti-Semitism? Listen to this lesson to learn how the Apostle John vividly portrays the last days of the angelic conflict in Revelation 12. See how the fallen angels led by Satan intensify their efforts to utterly destroy all Jews. Discover the prophets who predicted these events in the Old Testament and how God will ultimately win and bring a fair judgment on all who rebel against Him.

  • 104 - The Origins of Anti-Semitism [c]

    13/06/2013 Duración: 01h07min

    From the best-selling book of all times, hear this breathtaking true tale of a powerful Persian king and a lovely young Jewish girl who wins a beauty contest to become his queen. See how she risks everything to foil an arrogant, evil enemy to save her people from annihilation. Listen to this lesson on Esther and learn about the rise and development of anti-Semitism and the dangers it presents to people and nations who practice it. Find out about Satan's desperate attempts to destroy the Jews to try to prevent God from keeping His promises and fulfilling His plan.

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