Joni And Friends Ministry Podcast



We're answering real questions about disability. Whether you are personally impacted by disability or youre looking for practical ways to include someone with special needs in your church or community, you are not alone! Each week, host Crystal Keating sits down with a special guest or ministry expert to hear real stories, share honest conversation about challenges, and explore creative ways that you can welcome and embrace people impacted by disability in your life and your church. Subscribe today!Find all resources mentioned on the podcast at and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she received from people with disabilities in search of support. Over the past 40 years, the ministry has grown to serve thousands of people impacted by disability worldwide: Joni and Friends has delivered 150,000 wheelchairs and Bibles through Wheels for the World and provided Christian care to 63,000 special needs family members through Family Retreats. The organization also equips individuals and churches with disability ministry training and provides higher education courses through the Christian Institute on Disability.


  • Understanding Trauma – Darby Strickland

    12/03/2020 Duración: 31min

    When someone goes through a deeply distressing or disturbing experience, their wounds can last long after the initial encounter. The trauma of a physical, emotional, or even spiritual wound can have a deep impact and often has a messy way of expressing itself. So how can someone carrying a deep wound find hope and healing? Today Crystal is talking with Christian Counselor Darby Strickland about understanding trauma. Darby, who specializes in counseling abuse in marriage, works with individuals, families, and couples, who face a variety of issues. She teaches at Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation's online School of Biblical Counseling and leads a support group for oppressed women. She also speaks at national conferences and trains counselors and churches to care well for those affected by abuse and trauma. Listen as she talks about the impact of trauma and how you can share hope and healing in Christ with someone who has been wounded. Would you like to learn more about ministering to someone in

  • Spiritual Recovery for a Special Needs Mom – Diane Dokko Kim

    05/03/2020 Duración: 35min

    When parents first learn that their child has a disability, their hearts and hopes are often broken. But their faith doesn’t have to be. On this episode of the podcast, Crystal Keating is sitting down with Diane Dokko Kim. Diane is the mother of two sons, one of whom is on the autism spectrum, and author of the book Unbroken Faith: Spiritual Recovery for the Special Needs Parent. She’s sharing her journey as a special mom, the personal and spiritual crises she faced following her son’s diagnosis, and her struggle to reconcile faith with disappointment. Speaking openly about the doubts and fears that many parents may be too afraid to voice, Diane’s biblical encouragement will help any mom or dad understand that you aren’t alone. God gets it and His word is relevant to the messy and hopeful spaces of special needs parenting.  Whether by diagnosis, disillusionment, a death—or the death of a dream—everyone gets “crippled” by something. God’s purpose is your transformation into greater Christlikeness and closeness

  • Creating an Inclusive Environment – Greg Greer and Jamia Cinelli

    27/02/2020 Duración: 33min

    Everyone is indispensable to the body of Christ, regardless of our abilities or giftings. So how can we create an inclusive environment where all people are welcomed and embraced into the fabric of the church, home life, and community? Is there anything that you can do to bridge the gap between the isolation that is often created because of disability and the community of a vibrant, inclusive church? Today, Crystal Keating is sitting down with guests Greg Greer and Jamia Cinelli to discuss some of the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of people impacted by disability and ways we can remove social and physical barriers, especially in the church. Hear how a church’s culture can be transformed when all parts of the body of Christ are included.Download Pathways to Belonging Church Training Resources: Email Crystal at podcast@joniandfriends.orgFind all resources mentioned on the podcast at*Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Ear

  • Hope Through Hardship: Walking with Your Loved One through Cancer – Randy Alcorn

    20/02/2020 Duración: 32min

    When you receive the unexpected news that your loved one has cancer, how do you hold on to hope? This week on the podcast, Crystal is talking with Randy Alcorn, founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries and author of more than 50 books including The Treasure Principle and New York Times Best Seller Heaven. For this conversation, Randy is sharing candidly as the loving husband to his wife, Nanci, who has been battling significant colon cancer since 2018. Randy and Nanci have spent years ministering together to fund missions, sponsor pro-life causes, and feed the hungry, and now walking together through this difficult season has been no different. Listen as Randy shares about their journey, where they find real hope, and practical ways that can encourage someone in your life facing similar challenges.Questions? Email Crystal at all resources mentioned on the podcast at*Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving acci

  • Keeping Love Alive Through Seasons of Disability – Greg and Gina Hubert

    13/02/2020 Duración: 35min

    In the midst of challenging circumstances, how can you have a thriving marriage? Are there practical ways to strengthen your love for your spouse? This week on a special Valentine’s episode of the podcast, Crystal is chatting with Greg and Gina Hubert, a couple who’s been married for more than 30 years. When Greg and Gina first said “I do,” they didn’t expect that their family would be impacted by disability… that all three of their children would be diagnosed with autism. But as they’ve walked through seasons of disability, their marriage has gotten stronger. What is their secret? How have they beaten the odds? Listen as they share their story, how God has used disability to strengthen their love for one another, and practical ways that any couple can strengthen their marriage in the midst of challenging circumstances.Questions? Email Crystal at all resources mentioned on the podcast at*Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada

  • A Community Approach to Inclusion – Ashley Hall

    06/02/2020 Duración: 39min

    The Joni and Friends Ministry Podcast has returned for a second season, bringing you real conversations about disability and sharing hope through hardship! Today, Crystal Keating is kicking off season two with Ashley Hall, a Joni and Friends ministry partner who serves in Uganda training teachers, church leaders, and other service providers on how to include people with disabilities.Prior to ministry service, Ashley worked in special education in Southern California. With a heart to serve people with disabilities in Africa and training as a Joni and Friends Cause 4 Life intern, God called Ashley out of the special education classroom to Uganda where she’s been living out her passion for equipping young professionals for disability ministry. Listen as Ashley talks about life in Uganda, her community approach to inclusion, and shares stories of how God is transforming hearts across churches and communities so that all people will have a seat at the Luke 14 banquet table.Learn more about Cause 4 Life at www.joni

  • We All Have Gifts to Share – Emily Colson

    19/12/2019 Duración: 31min

    Every person has important gifts that need to be shared with others and the church, but many families face real challenges with finding acceptance and a place to serve. Today on the podcast, Crystal is sharing a powerful message of hope from Emily Colson, daughter of the late Chuck Colson and mother to Max, her adult son who has a diagnosis of autism. Emily’s perfect world turned upside down following a painful divorce when Max was just a baby. As Max grew, challenges with autism became increasingly difficult for Emily…she was able to go out less and less and eventually even stopped going to church altogether. Emily never imagined that she’d be so disconnected from the spiritual life of the church because of Max’s diagnosis. But God used the words of Joni Eareckson Tada to encourage Emily’s heart: “Your church would be so blessed to have people with autism running up and down the aisles.” Emily took those words to heart and decided to find a way for her family to cross the threshold of the church. Listen as E

  • A Response to Depression – Dr. Todd Stryd

    12/12/2019 Duración: 33min

    With Christmas around the corner, does it seem like everyone else is oozing holiday cheer? While the rest of the world is wrapped up in red and green, you’re the only one feeling blue? December is presented as a month of celebration and belonging – a time of happiness, when everything goes right. But so often that is just not the case. For many people, the holidays intensify feelings of loneliness, grief, or depression. And instead of feeling happy, we’re reminded of the way things are not, of losses or of the things we’ve hoped for that haven’t happened yet. This week on the podcast, Crystal is talking about depression with Dr. Todd Stryd, a faculty member and counseling coordinator at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation. Listen to their encouraging conversation to hear how depression is approached in Scripture and how we can respond this Christmas season.Find more resources for dealing with depression at Email Crystal at*J

  • The Impact of a Wheelchair – Jasmine and Joey Tell

    05/12/2019 Duración: 26min

    Last week on the podcast, Crystal talked with Jasmine and Joey Tell, a young couple who is working to transform the lives of people impacted by disability in Thailand. Today, Jasmine and Joey are back on the show to share more about their ministry and the impact that providing a wheelchair has on a person in need of mobility, as well as their family, their community, and their church. Hear how a wheelchair given in Jesus’ name is the perfect gift – how wheelchairs are opening doors for the Gospel in Thailand. Give the Perfect Gift!Learn more about the show at Email Crystal at*Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she received from people with disabilities in search of support. Over the past 40 years, the ministry has grown to serve thousands of people impacted by disab

  • Following God’s Call in Thailand – Jasmine and Joey Tell

    28/11/2019 Duración: 39min

    It’s remarkable to see how God will use our experiences and challenges to reveal His plan and move our hearts toward His purpose. This week on the podcast, Crystal is sitting down with Jasmine and Joey Tell, a young couple with an incredible story of answering God’s call to serve people with disabilities in Thailand. Listen as they share personal stories of God’s restoration, some of the typical challenges for people with disabilities in Thailand, and how God has called them to empower the local church in disability ministry. Don’t miss this great conversation with an inspiring couple!Learn more about the show at Email Crystal at*Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she received from people with disabilities in search of support. Over the past 40 years, the ministry h

  • For Better or Worse: When Disability Challenges Your Marriage – Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada

    21/11/2019 Duración: 46min

    After 37 years of marriage, Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada know firsthand the challenges that a married couple can face when disability involved. Today on the podcast, listen as they share stories from their own relationship and how they live out their husband and wife roles in a caregiving marriage. Because caregiving is not a detour for their lives; it is the main road that God has set out for them. Listen as they share the importance of trust and communication, and offer practical advice for other couples in a caregiving marriage.  Find a copy of Ken Tada's new minibook, For Better or for Worse, at Email Crystal at*Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she received from people with disabilities in search of support. Over the past 40 years, the ministry has grown to serve

  • Schizophrenia – A Personal Story

    19/11/2019 Duración: 13min

    Following Crystal’s last podcast episode featuring a conversation with Dr. Todd Stryd about caring for someone with schizophrenia, we’re sharing the personal story of a Christian woman who lives with schizophrenia. Her testimony was originally given at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation Conference in 2018 following Dr. Todd Stryd’s message on Schizophrenia, Psychosis, and Scripture – Finding Certainty in Chaos. Listen as she shares honestly about the confusion she faced as a young girl, the fears and uncertainties she continued to experience, and the hope she found through God’s Word. With the support of her family, her church, and a Christian counselor, she recognized that the Lord was calling her to more. Although her relationships have been challenged, the Lord has preserved them. By God’s grace, she is able to faithfully care for her two young children and her husband. Even when she is unrecognizable to herself and to others, God recognizes her, knows her intimately, and loves her. Schi

  • Caring for Someone with Schizophrenia – Dr. Todd Stryd

    14/11/2019 Duración: 31min

    November is National Family Caregivers Month and this week on the podcast we’re continuing the conversation about caregiving with a focus on how to care for someone with schizophrenia. If you have a loved one afflicted with schizophrenia, you may have wondered about the way forward. Today, Dr. Todd Stryd who serves as a faculty member and counseling coordinator at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation is sharing a road map for how to live with hope and compassion in the midst of schizophrenia. Through his experience as a hospital chaplain, crisis worker, and university counselor, he’s seen how God can empower both you and your loved one to persevere in faith and compassion. Hear how you can advocate for them, encourage their way forward, and connect them to a Christian community.Find resources for caregivers at the code JONI to download a free copy of Dr. Stryd's article, Caring for Someone with Schizophrenia:

  • Encouragement for Caregivers – Peter Rosenberger

    07/11/2019 Duración: 37min

    November is National Family Caregiver’s Month, a time to recognize the dedication of family members who provide around the clock care to their loved ones. Today on the podcast, Crystal is chatting with Peter Rosenberger, a dedicated husband and caregiver for more than 30 years to his wife, Gracie. As he’s cared for Gracie who lives with disability and extreme pain, he’s learned so much about perseverance, love, and relationships. As someone who speaks “fluent caregiver,” he’s offering a lifetime of experience to be a lifeline of help to his fellow caregivers. Listen in for hope, encouragement, and some excellent practical advice.Find resources for caregivers at Learn more about Peter at www.hopeforthecaregiver.comQuestions? Email us at *Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she r

  • Part 2: The Scars That Have Shaped Me – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

    31/10/2019 Duración: 28min

    This week, Crystal is continuing her conversation with Vaneetha Risner, a special guest who has experienced the powerful presence of God through a lifetime of suffering. If you missed last week’s episode with Vaneetha, you can listen to part 1 to hear her share of God’s faithfulness through a debilitating disease, multiple miscarriages, the death of a child, abandonment, and an unwanted divorce. In today’s conversation, Vaneetha shares honestly about the newer challenges she faces of living with a progressive disease, the transition from being the helper to being helped, and her sage advice for those going through unrelenting hardships. Through her many valleys, Vaneetha could have given up. But in the midst of her suffering, she discovered the goodness of God and His divine purposes. Listen now to hear more of her powerful story.Find your copy of The Scars That Have Shaped Me: How God Meets Us in Suffering at more

  • Part 1: The Scars that Have Shaped Me – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

    24/10/2019 Duración: 24min

    This week on the podcast, Crystal is talking with a special guest who understands suffering. With the diagnosis of a debilitating disease that led to 21 surgeries by the time she was 13, years in the hospital, and bullying from classmates, Vaneetha Risner encountered extraordinary pain early in life. She then experienced multiple miscarriages as a young wife, the death of a child, abandonment, and an unwanted divorce. And through it all, Vaneetha discovered the goodness of God and His divine purposes in her suffering. Listen as Crystal talks with Vaneetha about her book The Scars That Have Shaped Me: How God Meets Us in Suffering, and God’s sustaining grace she found in the midst of disability, shame, and grief.Find your copy of The Scars That Have Shaped Me: How God Meets Us in Suffering at more about Vaneetha at don’t miss part two of Crystal’s conversation with Vaneetha next week

  • Discovering a New Community Through Disability – Nicole Pollastrini

    17/10/2019 Duración: 36min

    Nicole Pollastrini is back to the podcast! Last episode, Nicole shared how her daughter’s unexpected diagnosis of Down syndrome impacted her family. Today she’s talking about the community she found through her daughter’s special needs. The diagnosis of disability for Sage opened Nicole’s world to new people facing similar challenges. This community of other parents raising children with special needs gave Nicole and her husband the support they needed to parent Sage. Hear how her involvement in Buddy Break and other church outreaches has made all the difference.If you know a mom whose world has recently been rocked by the diagnosis of Down syndrome for her baby, please share this podcast with her. Nicole’s tender advice would benefit any mom with questions or fears following an unexpected diagnosis for her baby.See a photo of Sage at the booklet My Baby Has a Disability: Life-Giving Questions and AnswersFor questions, email*Joni and Friends wa

  • My Baby Has Down Syndrome – Nicole Pollastrini

    10/10/2019 Duración: 30min

    In honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Crystal is talking with Nicole Pollastrini, a wonderful mama to three kids. When Nicole and her husband first decided to grow their family, it wasn’t on their radar that their daughter Sage might be born with a disability. Listen as Nicole walks through the thoughts and emotions that she experienced following her daughter’s diagnosis of Down syndrome, and how her outlook has changed over the past three years. Don’t miss this open conversation about the real fears, challenges, and blessings of being a special needs mama.See a photo of Sage at the booklet My Baby Has a Disability: Life-Giving Questions and AnswersFor questions, email*Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she received from people with disabilities in search of supp

  • When You Hear the Words "You Have Cancer" – Amy Brands

    03/10/2019 Duración: 36min

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and according to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer sometime during her lifetime.* Today Crystal is talking with Amy Brands, a young woman for whom this topic hits very close to home. As a busy 34-year-old mother to a school-aged daughter, Amy was stunned to hear her doctor say the words, “You have cancer.” Listen as she shares her personal breast cancer journey and the advice she would offer to other women who are faced with a similar path.Read more information at* cancer-related resources from Joni Eareckson TadaDiagnosed with Breast Cancer: Life After ShockFacing Trials with Joy - Cancer and Beyond*Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she rec

  • A Life-Changing Internship – Kristin Hamer

    26/09/2019 Duración: 29min

    Kristin Hamer is back on the podcast this week to talk about what it means to incorporate all people in the body of Christ. In a previous conversation, Kristin shared about her disability and her journey of finding contentment and purpose in her visual impairment. Along her journey, one of the influences in her growth was the opportunity to serve as a Joni and Friends Cause 4 Life intern.Listen as Kristin shares about her life-changing experience serving people with disabilities around the world and how the hands-on training with Cause 4 Life changed her perspective on what it means to include and embrace people with disabilities. Because it’s not just about adding another program, it’s about tearing down the barriers…Watch a video of Kristin serving kids with disability in Uganda at*Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, resp

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