Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 259:37:30
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Welcome to the Inspiring You Show where we talk about tips and tools for healing, share transformational stories and offer Energy Healing Meditations!


  • Mini Energy Update for the Week of August 1-7 | Ep 437

    03/08/2024 Duración: 02min

    August 1-7  The month kicks off with a curious blend of irritation and hope. This mix can either pull you towards judgment, blame, and despair, or push you into practical assertiveness, making it the perfect time to elevate your life's standards. Avoid falling into the trap of judgment and self-criticism. Instead, be proactive by setting aside time for reflection and a much-needed reset. With Mercury going retrograde on the 5th, you'll have a golden opportunity to dive deeper into your plans, enabling you to leverage potential upgrades to enhance your life's quality.  If you catch yourself slipping into cynicism or negativity, try shifting your mindset to a humorous perspective. This quick switch can instantly elevate your vibration, creating a clear channel to work with the new moon energy arriving on the 4th. Much love, care, and gratitude, H

  • Transformative, Bold, Illuminating: A Guide to August 2024's Energy Forecast in Categories and Timeframes | Ep 436

    03/08/2024 Duración: 37min

    Welcome to August 2024! This month is a powerful time for transformation and elevation. After the deep introspection of Cancer season, Leo’s fiery energy urges us to act boldly and embrace our true selves. Despite the typical celebratory vibes of Leo, many felt frustration and anxiety due to the Full Moon in Capricorn, cosmic influences, and Mercury retrograde. August kicks off with a vibrant Leo New Moon on the 4th, offering a chance to set new intentions and embrace creativity. The Lion's Gate Portal on August 8th and the Regulus Gateway on August 21st bring potent spiritual energy, activating our heart and crown chakras and inviting us to elevate our vibrations and connect deeply with our spirit. This month’s energy includes Mercury retrograde in Virgo until August 18, pushing us to review and reassess our goals with patience. The retrograde's influence, combined with a dynamic T-Square involving Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus, may introduce tension but also motivates us to take action and face c

  • Energy Forecast for August 2024 | Ep 435

    03/08/2024 Duración: 01h22min

    August Energy Forecast: Theme: Elevate Your Journey August invites you to soar to new heights! This month is all about enhancing your life and enriching your experiences with joy and positivity. It's time to confront and clear away any lingering negativity that’s been holding you back. Embrace this opportunity for self-improvement and be open to the transformative power of personal growth. As you navigate through, keep your curiosity alive and approach challenges with a sense of humor. Theme: Embracing Transformation and Personal Renewal Step into August with a heart ready for transformation! This month offers a golden opportunity to break free from stagnation and embrace the flow of positive change. Despite global uncertainties, you have the power to align your life with new goals and desires. Embrace this wave of momentum to reinvigorate your personal path and experience a fresh burst of inspiration and clarity. Theme: Embracing Newfound Wisdom August is a time to celebrate your growth and newfound ins

  • Powerful Solar Storms Today & Tomorrow | Ep 434

    01/08/2024 Duración: 05min

    Powerful Solar Storms Today & Tomorrow These storms are set to possibly continue until the end of the week. Understanding what to expect and being prepared can help you stay balanced and harness this powerful cosmic energy effectively. Remember to use your tools, plenty of water, go for a nature walk, let yourself connect beneficially with feeling of the sunshine, ground, align, do energy work & meditate if you can.

  • Mini Energy Update: Lions Gate Portal Beneficial | Ep 433

    31/07/2024 Duración: 04min

    #EnergyUpdate: This is one of the most significant beneficial portals of the year. The Lions Gate Beneficial Portal is when Sirius our spiritual sun is closest to the earth. Bringing with it an awakening of spiritual energy, activations and deep transformation. Many have already been feeling it…The Lions Gate Beneficial Portal open around July 16th (I felt it a bit earlier), peaks on August 8th & closes on August 26th. This powerful beneficial portal offers a deep purge which will allow us to expand when the time is right. Coming soon will be a Lions Gate Portal Activation Meditation on the podcast. You will receive a clearing, activation and integration of High Frequency Ascension Light energies that will assist you in working with the Lions Gate Beneficial Portal. Much love, care, and gratitude, H

  • Brain's Ballet: Attentional Blinks: Decreasing the Gaps with Mindfulness Meditation | Ep 432

    26/07/2024 Duración: 43min
  • Mid-Year Reflection: Turning Points: Insights and Reflections on Growth and New Beginnings | Ep 431

    26/07/2024 Duración: 26min

    Join us as we dive into a pivotal moment at the mid-year mark, reflecting on the lessons learned and the transformations experienced over the past six months. We explore personal growth, overcoming challenges, and embracing new opportunities. Whether you're seeking inspiration to navigate change or looking for insights on how to reset and refocus, this episode offers valuable reflections and actionable steps to propel you forward. Tune in for a fresh perspective on embracing transformation and charting your path towards a more fulfilling future. As you ponder the road ahead, you might wonder if it will mirror the past. Instead, start asking yourself: Journaling Prompts: • What if this is exactly what I've always wanted? •. Reflect on the overarching lesson you've learned since 2008—what fears have you overcome and how have you grown? •. Consider which recent experiences have been most fulfilling and which have left you feeling drained. • In what area of your life do you feel drawn to begin an

  • Unlock Your Gold: Elevate Performance with Mindful Reiki Meditation + Dowsing Energy Healing | Ep 430

    25/07/2024 Duración: 22min

    To celebrate the spirit of excellence, we're thrilled to announce a special 17-day journey in our Inspiring You Patreon community: "Unlock Your Gold: Elevate Performance with Mindful Reiki Meditation + Dowsing Energy Healing." Join here: Inspiring You Patreon: Here’s what we have in store: • The Opening Ceremony starts July 26, 2024 and the Closing Ceremony is on Aug 11, 2025. We will be doing 17 Days of Transformation in the Inspiring You: Dive into our exclusive series, blending Mindful Reiki with Dowsing Energy Healing to amplify your performance and well-being. Meditate with Me Patreon Level: • At 7:00 am pst: Daily 15-Minute Mindful Reiki Meditations: Join us each day for a focused meditation to center your mind and align your energy with your goals. All Access Patreon Level: • 7:20 am pst: Mini Reiki and Dowsing Sessions: Experience personalized energy healing and dowsing to further enhance your journey towards holistic excellence. Inspiring You Patr

  • Mini Energy Update for the Week of July 25-31 | Ep 429

    22/07/2024 Duración: 08min

    Mini Energy Update for the Week of July 25-31 Trust the unfolding of events rather than imposing expectations. Mental confusion may arise now; seek clarity within your inner stillness rather than from external opinions. There can be multiple valid perspectives, but the one aligned with your heart is what truly matters. Not everything needs to be logical; the right path will always resonate deeply with you. Pay attention to signs and details. When unsure, rely on your intuition, personal intentions, and supportive allies. Allow others the freedom to navigate their own journeys without judgment during this period. Honor past wounds and seek support for healing as a means of moving forward. This is a transformative phase where new beginnings can begin to take shape. Much love, care, and gratitude, H

  • Capricorn Full Blue Moon Mindful Reiki Meditation: Release, Chakra Balancing, Transformation, and Align with Abundance + 528 Hz | Ep 428

    21/07/2024 Duración: 56min

    Capricorn Full Blue Moon Mindful Reiki Meditation: Release, Chakra Balancing, Transformation, and Align with Abundance + 528 Hz Welcome to a celestial journey beneath the enchanting Capricorn Blue Full Moon. Let yourself settle in for this transformative meditation. Here’s how you will unlock your inner abundance: 1. Set Your Intention: Close your eyes, take a cleansing breath, and set a sacred intention for your practice. the moonlight bathing you in its gentle glow, freeing you from distractions. 2. Reiki Energy Flow: Letting the universal life force energy flows through us, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 3. Release and Ground: Your roots extend from your body, anchoring you firmly to the nurturing embrace of the Earth. Let go of stress and anxiety, allowing them to dissipate under the serene moonlight. 4. Chakra Alignment: Feel your chakras aligning with Reiki under the moon’s transformative energy, from root to crown. Release what no longer supports you, making space for new

  • Moonlit Revelations: Culmination and Clarity: Embracing the Second Capricorn Full Moon | Ep 427

    21/07/2024 Duración: 27min

    On July 21st, 2024, the second Capricorn Full Moon of the year arrives, marking the culmination of the Capricorn cycle that began June 21st. It encourages us to embrace our emotions, leading to self-discovery and clarity and bringing balance between personal and work life. The Full Moon's conjunction with Pluto and harmonious connections with Neptune, Mars, and Uranus amplify ambitions and dreams, encouraging us towards decisive actions and realizations. This lunar event encourages us to release fears and doubts, providing a chance for personal growth and insight. As Saturn retrogrades, it prompts reflection and restructuring, emphasizing intuitive growth and compassionate connections. The Full Moon invites us to celebrate achievements, embrace creativity in defining boundaries and structures, and let go of burdens to embrace transformation. Overall, the second Capricorn Full Moon of 2024 symbolizes closure, reflection, and profound personal evolution amidst celestial guidance and cosmic energies. Tune i

  • Cosmic Currents: Navigating Collective Awakening | Ep 426

    17/07/2024 Duración: 11min
  • Mini Energy Update for the Week of July 17-24 | Ep 425

    15/07/2024 Duración: 09min

    Mini Energy Update for the Week of July 17-24 During this period, there is a shift towards taking inspiring action, although it’s important to remain mindful of any unresolved inner work that could challenge your progress. Conversations might become confrontational if not approached with care, and you might feel compelled to assert yourself in ways that challenge others’ comfort zones. Stay grounded and attentive, maintaining kindness and consideration for yourself and how others might respond to your newfound assertiveness. Look for opportunities to support yourself and others in stepping into their own power with loving kindness & mindfulness. Direct this energy towards constructive dialogues, idea-sharing, and completing tasks with the appropriate support. It’s a favorable time to identify and release self-limiting thoughts or beliefs, setting intentions to break free from cycles of limitation. July 21 Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on Sunday, July 21, known as the Buck Moon. There will be a full moon

  • Mini Energy Update for the Week of July 8-16 | Ep 424

    08/07/2024 Duración: 02min

    Mini Energy Update for the Week of July 8-16 This period offers a promising chance for healing, though it also has the potential to spark some tensions. Instead of letting frustration get the better of you, see it as a moment for progress and take proactive measures to seek support. Often, these tensions can serve as powerful catalysts for positive changes. Pay close attention to areas that need tweaking, especially in your support patterns. There's a strong desire to seek recognition during this timeframe. You can enhance this by focusing on your physical well-being, appearance, and self-care routines. You'll notice a boost in productivity, particularly for tasks that have been on the back burner. Apply a disciplined focus to get these done. Seek help to navigate through tough or karmic situations effectively. Try to avoid power struggles and conflicts when possible, and remember, it’s okay to reach out for support when needed. Much love, care, and gratitude, H

  • *Only the Meditation for: Activating Higher Purpose: The 7/7 Beneficial Portal: Starlight of Sirius Energy Activation and Integration Meditation + 639 Hz | Ep 423

    08/07/2024 Duración: 28min

    *Only the Meditation for: Activating Higher Purpose: The 7/7 Beneficial Portal: Starlight of Sirius Energy Activation and Integration Meditation + 639 Hz | Ep 423 If you want the Mindful Chat + Meditatation head to the previous episode. Much love, care, and gratitude, H

  • Mindful Chat + Activating Higher Purpose: The 7/7 Beneficial Portal: Starlight of Sirius Energy Activation and Integration Meditation + 639 Hz | Ep 422

    08/07/2024 Duración: 55min

    Activating Higher Purpose: The 7/7 Beneficial Portal: Starlight of Sirius Energy Activation and Integration Meditation + 639 Hz The entire week, you’ve likely sensed the energy building, but now, with the 7/7 Beneficial Portal on July 7, it’s even more pronounced. This cosmic alignment amplifies our connection to higher frequencies and purpose. Embrace this potent energy and allow it to guide you on your path of growth and transformation.

  • Mindful Reiki New Moon in Cancer and Sirius Gateway Meditation | 210.42 Hz | Renewal | Manifesting | Ep 419

    06/07/2024 Duración: 54min

    Welcome to a sacred journey beneath the July 2024 Cancer New Moon. This guided meditation aims to aid in releasing stress, anxiety, and anything hindering your highest good. Embrace the nurturing energy of the Cancer New Moon and the Sirius Beneficial Gateway with Reiki to set powerful intentions and manifest your deepest desires. The Moon resonates with a celestial frequency of 210.42 Hz, often utilized in sound healing for its believed vibrational connection to lunar energy. In this meditation, we incorporate the 210.42 Hz Moon Frequency, associated with the Sacral Chakra, fostering creativity, sensuality, and emotional equilibrium. Ground yourself, connect with lunar energy, and sow the seeds of your dreams in your heart's fertile soil. Allow the moon's photonic light, infused with the essence of the Sirius Beneficial Gateway, to cleanse and rejuvenate you. Experience emotional balance and receptivity as you flow like water, releasing all that no longer aligns with your highest self. This sacred

  • Cancer New Moon Energy Update | Ep 418

    06/07/2024 Duración: 10min

    The Cancer New Moon arrives on July 5, 2024, coinciding beautifully with the Sirius Gateway. This New Moon brings a positive opportunity for new inspiration and energy, particularly focusing on support, joy, love, and happiness. Listening to your heart requires creating personal space for reflection and tuning into your own truth and intuition. The themes of home and comfort are emphasized, along with finding the true home of your heart. You might gain clarity on relationships that do not support your authentic self. The emotional sensitivity of this moon may also evoke nostalgia and reveal bittersweet truths, prompting necessary choices and actions to establish better boundaries and discernment. Balance your time between socializing with loved ones and taking moments of solitude for peace, rest, and inner integration. Remember, it's never too late to recharge and begin anew. The Sirius Gateway happens annually around the first week of July, marking the special alignment between the Sun and the star S

  • Unlocking Tranquility with Sirius Beneficial Gateway Mindful Reiki Activation and Meditation | Ep 417

    03/07/2024 Duración: 58min
  • Cosmic Update: Sirius Beneficial Gateway: July 2-7, 2024 | Ep 416

    03/07/2024 Duración: 06min
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