Inspiring You With Henri Hebert



Welcome to the Inspiring You Show where we talk about tips and tools for healing, share transformational stories and offer Energy Healing Meditations!


  • Ep 320: Unleash Your Potential: Harness Your Thoughts and Energy to Achieve an Unprecedented & Unstoppable Year

    13/01/2024 Duración: 36min

    Did you ever pause to consider the influence of hidden feelings on your life's journey?  In this episode, Henri provides an insightful exploration into how the emotions we're unaware of, or maybe even choosing to look away from, can possibly be impacting our wellbeing and joy. As this discussion unfolds, you may find yourself understanding more about how these invisible emotional patterns may have shaped your life in unanticipated ways.  Henri dismantles misconceptions about the mind's functioning and so much more. This dialogue will shed light on certain unintentional missteps that could be constraining our growth and potential. Inviting introspection...and what you wish to create and transform in your life. As you listen, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the significance of these patterns and mindsets. So, whether you're on a path to immediate transformation or simply preparing for what lies ahead, this session promises to be an invaluable resource. Join us on this enlightening jou

  • Ep 318: January New Moon - 3 Things You Need To Know!

    11/01/2024 Duración: 50min

    As we usher in the first New Moon of the year, the celestial landscape is brimming with fresh inspiration, sparking enthusiasm for the journey ahead. If you find yourself still grappling with the lethargy left in the wake of 2023, be open to this invigorating energy of the New Moon, which peaks on January 11. Let it rejuvenate, amplify your motivation, and serve as a reminder to embrace new beginnings. January 11 marks the beginning of the year with the first New Moon in Capricorn. Although fresh energy surrounds this New Moon, the influence of Pluto. Capricorn also introduces a feeling of closures and endings. Pluto will oscillate in and out of Capricorn until November 2024 when it finally moves for good. This is, however, the final Capricorn New Moon with a close proximity to Pluto, bringing with it a sense of conclusion to this passage.  The journey with Pluto in Capricorn commenced in 2008, creating a challenge for us to recall life any differently! Pluto's journey through Capricorn has been characte

  • Ep 313: 2024 and January Energy Forecast

    02/01/2024 Duración: 56min

    Happy New Year Everyone! In this episode, we welcome January and the new year 2024! Prepare yourself – because the vibrant, fast-paced energy surge that we experience in January is simply the preamble to the exciting, dynamic, power energy, filled with vitality we're expecting in February. Prominently, the fields of technology and finance are set to be themes for 2024, with their influence magnifying throughout the year. Relationship dynamics will also be a significant theme for 2024. We will be guided to scrutinize our relational interactions meticulously, distinguishing between the ones that are beneficial and the ones that no longer serve us. Additionally, the year harbors some remarkable alignments set to promote peace and healing—both of which are drastically required for our planet.  2024, being a numerological number 8 year, symbolizes good fortune, symmetry, and infinity. Although we are infinite beings, our earthly existence is not. Therefore, it's crucial to make the most of our time here

  • Ep 312: Dec Full Moon in Cancer Reiki Energy Healing Meditation + 432 Hz Miracle Tone

    26/12/2023 Duración: 01h15min

    December Full Moon Blessings,  As we stand beneath the luminous gaze of 2023's final full moon, I want to express my profound gratitude for your unwavering support throughout this transformative year. It's a pleasure to have you here as we embark on this transformative meditation journey. We'll tap into the strong energy exuded by the Full Moon in Cancer in December 2023 while also receiving Reiki Energy Healing if you choose to receive it. Together, we're laying the groundwork for a deep cleansing and reset as we welcome 2024.

  • Ep 311: Energy Update: Dec Full Moon in Cancer

    26/12/2023 Duración: 27min

    What an enthralling way to bid adieu to the year! The Full Moon of December 26 is brimming with warmth, harmony, and an energizing positive vibe. It is my sincerest hope that you bask in its illuminating rays, allowing them to permeate and nourish every facet of your being, with a particular emphasis on your emotional wellness. It's common knowledge that Full Moons in Cancer often invoke heightened sensitivity. So, even if you find your emotions riding a rollercoaster, remember that the cosmos is wholeheartedly backing you up to restore equilibrium and discover the hidden blessings. Stay inspired and positive! Known as the Cold Moon, it is a time to focus on how we feel as we focus on completing the year. As the Full Moon rises, it signals a period of introspection and self-discovery. It's the perfect time to explore your emotions and prepare yourself for the close of the year. Dare to be vulnerable, muster your courage, and continue to be authentic. Harness your intuition to steer through these final

  • Ep 310: Solstice Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Experience + Meditation + 432 Hz & 528 Hz Music

    22/12/2023 Duración: 01h12min

    The Solstice Beneficial Gateway is OPEN! This is my holiday gift to all of you! A Solstice Mindful Reiki Energy Healing Experience + Meditation + 432 Hz & 528 Hz Music! Although this season is often flooded with holiday festivities, gift shopping, and parties, it's also one of the most treasured times to come together - in any way that looks for you. And it's an excellent time to turn inward, embrace stillness, and enjoy the inner light's plentiful radiance. Let yourself welcome the abundance of light that is available on the inner planes and integrate them with ease and grace. No matter the hustle and bustle, the divine gateway to higher dimensions—which aligns perfectly with this beneficial cosmic event—is unequivocally open at this very moment! Exceptionally strong waves of crystalline light Divine Rays of Love are cascading down, offering support as you transition into the next stage of embodiment. Right now, you're being divinely guided to take a remarkable leap in expanding yo

  • Ep 308: The Solstice Beneficial Gateway is OPEN!

    20/12/2023 Duración: 24min

    We're currently in the midst of the Solstice energies, but they will reach their pinnacle on December 21st at 7:27 PM PST.  Although this season is often flooded with holiday festivities, gift shopping, and parties, it's also one of the most treasured times to come together. And it's an excellent time to turn inward, embrace stillness, and enjoy the inner light's plentiful radiance.  Exceptionally strong waves of crystalline light Divine Rays of Love are cascading down, offering support as you transition into the next stage of embodiment. You're being divinely guided to take a remarkable leap in expanding your consciousness. Leverage this opportunity to bring your being into alignment with the utmost and highest possibilities of the incoming year of 2024.  Join me for this LIVE Solstice Reiki Energy Healing Experience on 12/21/23 at 7:15 pm pst on YouTube: If you aren’t able to join, we recommend doing a ritual of energy healing meditation

  • Ep 307: Andrew Malcolm on Saving Giants: Wildlife Conservation and Transformative Storytelling

    15/12/2023 Duración: 01h35min

    Andrew Malcolm is a passionate wildlife documentarian filmmaker dedicated to transforming storytelling into impactful conservation efforts. His collaborations with the Wildlife Emergency Fund and several South African conservation groups have led to the creation of the compelling documentary series, “Saving Giants”, shedding light on the challenges faced by conservationists as they embark on daring initiatives designed to save Africa’s remaining iconic species.   Andrew's intriguing foray into documentary filmmaking stemmed from his curiosity about millennials' travel trends. His quest to unravel complex narratives kindled a passion that led to meeting elephants and eventually sharing environmental conservation through his storytelling craft.  The Emotional World of Elephants: What Their Empathy Teaches Us About Protecting All Life: As Andrew reveals his intricate relationship with elephants, he beckons us into their emotional realm. It's a journey that uncovers lessons about how their empathy can

  • Ep 305: 1212 Beneficial Portal + Sagittarius New Moon

    10/12/2023 Duración: 17min

    Massive shifts are on the horizon. We will be moving through the 12:12 beneficial portal which is on a powerful new moon. And we are also starting to feel the portal energies of the Solstice and the 123123 beneficial portal. Now is a time to reflect on "What you want to let go of” and then “What you want to create now.”  Join us for a powerful 1212 Beneficial Portal + New Moon Activation Reiki Energy Healing Meditation on 12:12 at 8 am ps in a LIVE online meditation to release non-beneficial energies/patterns, to shift, to download wisdom, to activate and so much more. Sign up here for the 1212 + Sagittarius New Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation + Activation: Even if I don't see you there for the meditation, make sure to take advantage of this opportunity of beneficial cosmic energy coming in! #energyoftheday #energyupdate #1212portal #cosmicenergies #cosmicgateway #cosmicconsciousnesstribe#higherconsciousnesss #123123 #starseedactivation #energyu

  • Ep 304: What is Energy Healing? Can it really help?

    05/12/2023 Duración: 13min

    What Is Energy Healing? Energy healing is a complementary therapeutic approach that has roots in ancient and traditional medicine. Scientific research is currently ongoing to determine how useful these therapies are, but evidence suggests that certain forms of energy healing and practices (reiki and dowsing energy healing) may reduce and help with pain, depression, anxiety, and support overall well-being. Energy healing is a complementary approach based on that our bodies have energy flowing through them, and that healing can come from helping to balance this flow.  It is about restoring energy balance, which in turn brings about purported health benefits. Energy healing can be done at a distance, via remotely or in-person. Energy healing encompasses a variety of techniques believed to clear blockages in the energy field that contribute to imbalance in a person's life. Energy healing works on the principle that our physical body and life experiences are informed by the energies that exist in our energy

  • Ep 302: Dec Energy Forecast in Categories

    05/12/2023 Duración: 14min

    YOU PERSONALLY In the forthcoming month, it'll be key to find a balance between nurturing relationships and focusing on individual growth. Get in touch with your underlying values and recognize your true obligations. The month begins with a surge in energy that encourages planning and a positive look forward. Use this as an opportunity to stay organized without being diverted by others' affairs or your personal energy-draining habits that lead to procrastination.  The latter part of the month could seem hazy, fragmented, and somewhat indecisive. So, utilize any clear-headedness you gain in the initial phase of the month. If you manage to complete tasks usually done at the year-end in advance, you'll free up time at the month's end. During this period, the energy is more open and favorable for amplifying creativity into prosperity, reinforcing connections, and enhancing beauty.  RELATIONSHIPS Consider, who is in your circle? Recognizing and reassessing your ‘group' becomes essential, requir

  • Ep 301: Dec Energy Forecast Self-Reflection Journal Questions

    04/12/2023 Duración: 40min

    This month's energy forecast continues to emphasize revitalizing the nervous system and nurturing ourselves during transformative times.  The Emergence of the High Heart theme signifies a state of being where the heart truly understands, senses, and views life from a calm, intuitive, and encompassing perspective. Self-Reflection Questions:  1.     We've all been shaped by societal norms around what to value, how to behave, who to associate with, what to aim for in life, and even what not to desire. But now, it's time to scrutinize all these acquired values, beliefs, and norms. In this process, one crucial point will be to stay committed and avoid being swayed by outer disturbances. 2.     Consider who or what requires your forgiveness to keep moving forward? This could surprisingly be yourself for countless reasons—make sure to be in compassion for self and others as things are shifting. 3.     What kind of life do you envision for yourself?  4.     Do you aim for a balanced life where your intui

  • Ep 298: December Energy Forecast

    03/12/2023 Duración: 01h49min

    Welcome to the grand finale of the year – December! Let's begin by acknowledging possible experiences these past few months. I've been privy to the hearing from clients about sleepless nights, shared experiences of shocks about seeing what people maybe going through and upheavals. One of the themes last month,“Revitalizing Your Nervous System” - it's not merely about self-soothing or mending, but about nurturing ourselves in these transformative times. The ability to care for oneself, in situations like these, eventually becomes the foundation of your inner strength, influencing how you present yourself to the world, and how you engage with it - for you’re yourself, loved ones, those in need. We are being encouraged to continue exploring how you can further enhance your self-care routines during this particularly challenging period on our planet. In this month's energy forecast, we identify certain themes. However, you'll also notice the presence of some particularly high energies.  Highl

  • Ep 296: Gemini Full Moon on Nov 27

    27/11/2023 Duración: 20min

    Take advantage of the Gemini Full Moon on November 27 to start shedding the weighty and intense energies of the past year. Empower yourself to clear a path, setting the stage for the fresh beginnings promised by the rapidly approaching new year. Even though there's another Full Moon to look forward to in December, the Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 urges us to start reflecting and to identify and contemplate what aspects of our lives need cleansing and what we should let go of in our lives.  What do you wish to leave behind as you step into 2024? What burdens from 2023 do you wish to no longer shoulder and are ready to let go of? Consider this the perfect moment to release what weighs you down. It's an opportunity to lighten your load and call in a smoother, more harmonious journey into 2024. So you can move through 2024 with more groundedness, alignment, ease, grace, peace, joy, compassion and love energies.  As the November Full Moon graces us with its presence, it's time to ask yourself: wh

  • Ep 294: Raise Your Vibration Reiki Energy Healing Meditation

    23/11/2023 Duración: 33min

    As we head into the Holiday Season, there is already an increasing number of demands and distractions that maybe pulling from the external. Yet within the distractions of the external, there is simultaneously an energetic emphasis now for elevating your state. We're coming up on the full moon on Nov 27, and it is a powerful point to check in with where you are and your intentions for the path ahead. Now is a wonderful time to take steps to begin resonating at a higher vibration, to align with the lifestyle you truly desire, before the Holiday season officially begins. When we meditate together, there is an amplification of energy...this benefits us as individuals and creates a wave of harmonized energy of Light that blesses and benefits all beings.Tune in to open and expand to connect and embody with your Higher Self/Soul and receive Divine Intelligence for the highest good. Let yourself shift into an elevated state of consciousness that is beyond words, to raise your vibration, let your Light shine out a

  • Ep 293: Transforming Lives with Compassion: How Tamara Stanfill Inspires Personal Transformation

    20/11/2023 Duración: 01h37min

    Step onto the stage of Tamara Stanfill's life and discover the unexpected role that transformed her from a shy introvert to a beacon of compassion and connection.  Tamara Stanfill, a certified 200 hours YTT Yoga Teacher and a graduate of the two-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Certification program. Tamara's journey into yoga and meditation started during her high school days as a drama student. She found solace and self-expression on stage, which led her to explore the connection between the body, mind, and breath.  As the curtain rises, Tamara's love for theater provided an escape from her self-consciousness, but little did she know that the practices she engaged in were rooted in mindfulness.  Explore the powerful connection between Tamara's theater career and the world of yoga and meditation, as she weaves together the threads of self-acceptance and authenticity.  Embrace the transformational journey alongside Tamara, as she invites you to uncover the doors of opportunity and

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