Calvary Chapel Richmond Sermons



Calvary Chapel Richmond sermons


  • The Power of the Living Word


    Pastor Tim opens Acts Chapter 17 in a message & study titled: The Power of the Living Word. This is also Baptism Sunday which will be part of the 2nd Service. Come join us as we worship, praise, and open God's living Word! #ActsSeries #Acts17...

  • Deception, Lapses, and Subjugation


    Pastor Zach Cawthorn shares from Joshua Chapter 9 in a message & study titled: Deception, Lapses, and Subjugation. Joshua and Israel had seen a decisive victory in their second attempt of Ai but shortly after they once again failed to seek the...

  • Fitted as a Father


    Happy Father's Day to all the fathers! May the Lord bless you this day and it is our prayer that every dad would have a personal relationship with God the Father through His Son Jesus.

  • Victory Assured


    Pastor Tim shares from Joshua Chapter 8 in a message & study titled: Victory Assured. The children of Israel had experienced and humbling defeat and a severe chastening from God due to sin in their midst but as they had yielded themselves to the...

  • Set Free Through Christ


    Pastor Tim finishes Acts Chapter 16 in a message & study titled: Set Free Through Christ. Jesus alone has the power to open prison doors and literal chains anywhere on earth; and even greater still is His grace and power to set a soul free for all...

  • Presumption, Disobedience, & Consequences


    Pastor Zach continues in our Joshua Series in a message & study from Chapter 7 titled: Presumption, Disobedience, & Consequences. The consequence of sin and disobedience are always greater than what we think. A cost we can not bare. Join us as...

  • Continue in The Call


    Pastor Tim opens Acts Chapter 16 in a message & study titled: Continue in The Call. Paul, along with Silas, headed out on missionary journey #2 to continue the work of the gospel and building up the disciples and we too are called to continue in...

  • Walls Fall Down -- Steps of Faith and Trust


    Pastor Tim continues in our Joshua Series in a message & study from chapter 6 titled: Walls Fall Down -- Steps of Faith and Trust. The command and instructions given for the battle of Jericho were unlike any military strategy before or since; but...

  • The Ministry of Motherhood -- The Faithful Mother of Moses


    Pastor Tim shares a special Mother's Day message titled: The Ministry of Motherhood -- The Faithful Mother of Moses. Many have heard of Moses, but God saw and used his lesser-known mother to impact a nation and the world for the saving of lives...

  • Made Ready to Advance -- Obedience Prepares the Way


    Pastor Tim continues in our midweek Joshua Series in a message & study from chapter 5 titled: Made Ready to Advance -- Obedience Prepares the Way. Joshua and Israel had made it to the west side of the Jordan, but God still required some final...

  • Grace and Freedom in Jesus


    We worship and open God's Word with a message & study from Acts Chapter 15 titled: Grace and Freedom in Jesus. No works or ceremonial rituals could ever save us from sin, nor could they add to the finished work of salvation; but the grace and...

  • The Building Up of the Believers


    Pastor Tim finishes Acts Chapter 14 in a message & study titled: The Building Up of the Believers -- The Intentional Work of Discipleship. Paul and Barnabas not only preached the gospel and saw souls saved but they went back to each city to invest...

  • The Gospel Boldly Proclaimed -- Lives Changed and Hearts Hardened


    Pastor Tim continues in our Acts Series in a message & study from Chapter 14 titled: The Gospel Boldly Proclaimed -- Lives Changed and Hearts Hardened. When the gospel is preached, salvation is available to each and every heart and soul that...

  • Being the Church, Making Disciples


    Pastor Tim shares a message from Colossians 1 & 2 as part of our annual Ministry Sunday titled: Being the Church, Making Disciples. Jesus instituted and raised up the Church and gave very clear direction and commands for the Church follow and to...

  • A Memorial of Remembrance


    Pastor Tim continues in our Joshua Series in a message & study from Chapter 4 titled: A Memorial of Remembrance -- God Withheld the Waters of the Jordan. God never wanted Israel to forget how He miraculously brought them over the Jordan River on...

  • The Response to the Gospel -- Glad, Mad, or Indifferent


    Pastor Tim concludes Acts Chapter 13 in a message & study titled: The Response to the Gospel -- Glad, Mad, or Indifferent. The gospel that Paul preached in Antioch Pisidia prompted rejoicing and rejection but those that came to Christ found joy...

  • Resurrection Sunday


    It's Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of JESUS!!! We'll have a tremendous time of worship and Pastor Tim will share a message titled: Because He Lives -- The Finished Work of Jesus. There will also be plenty of coffee, donuts...

  • Following by Faith, Seeing the Wonders of God


    Pastor Tim continues in our Joshua study with a message & study from chapter 3 titled: Following by Faith, Seeing the Wonders of God -- Israel Crosses the Jordan. Israel had waited four-plus centuries to cross the Jordan River and come into the...

  • The Entrance of Messiah


    Pastor Tim shares a special message & study titled: The Entrance of Messiah. The Sunday that Jesus entered Jerusalem for the onset of Passover, He was coming not to be King but to give His life as the Lamb of God. And Jesus still gives Himself to...

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