Cognitive Engineering

Partying Prime Ministers



We often think of our leaders as serious and dignified figures that don’t engage in any fun or frivolity. Those that reach the highest levels of office are expected to remain above reproach as examples to the rest of us. But do we set unrealistic expectations for our leaders and is it acceptable for us to see them enjoying themselves? In this week’s podcast, we discuss partying prime ministers. We debate the idea of public image in an age of social media, and the nature of responsibility and how it is interpreted. We muse over the pastimes of previous prime ministers, defecating monarchs, and ask whether there is a level of hypocrisy in the expectations we set for those that govern us. Finally, we speculate on which former leaders would have had the most colourful social media histories. A few things we mentioned in this podcast: - Sanna Marin: Partying Finnish PM cleared of neglecting duties For more information on Aleph Insights visit our website https:/