Phoenix Educational Programming

Mattsplaining - Tarot



Matt Storrs know a lot about tarot, less so about the bodies of water in Egypt. The parting of the Nile?? Not so much. Lyssa Mandel (@aflockofsandwiches) brings her expertise to talk tarot and tarot readings. Did Nancy Regan have a connection to tarot cards that lead to the ill effects it had on the war on drugs? Possibly. There's a brief discussion of the Jungian interpretation of the metaphysical and how currants are the most mystical fruit. If you're starting your hero's journey into tarot, this is the episode for you.  Learn more: Biddy Tarot The Creative Tarot: A Modern Guide to an Inspired Life by Jessa Crispin Tarot for Change: Using the Cards for Self-Care, Acceptance, and Growth by Jessica Dore --- Support this podcast: