"tell Everybody Now" With Peter Timothy Cooper

Heaven is on it's way. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-end and Luke 20: 27-38) TSS#6



An insight in how to access to the glories of heaven - by Peter Timothy Cooper.A sermon based on the Anglican lectionary readings for this Sunday: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-end and Luke 20: 27-38 preached at St Luke's Poulton and St Paul's Seacombe in Wallasey.Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-end2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to be with him: I beg you, my friends, 2 not to be so easily confused in your thinking or upset by the claim that the Day of the Lord has come. Perhaps it is thought that we said this while prophesying or preaching, or that we wrote it in a letter. 3 Do not let anyone deceive you in any way. For the Day will not come until the final Rebellion takes place and the Wicked One appears, who is destined to hell. 4 He will oppose every so-called god or object of worship and will put himself above them all. He will even go in and sit down in God's Temple and claim to be God.5 Don't you remember? I told you all this while I was with you.13 We must thank Go