Sightshift With Chris Mcalister

Discovering Your Best Self and Building a Successful Startup (With Chris Ritchie)



In this episode, we interview Chris Ritchie, who talks about his personal growth journey and how he helps early-stage tech startups retain top talent. Chris also shares some of the big shifts he went through in his career, from leaving corporate America to working in startups. He emphasizes the importance of being the best version of oneself and balancing progress with conserving wisdom from the past.    Chris also gives insights on how to build an early-stage sales team, focusing on being intentional and consistent in efforts to help the team. Lastly, he shares his view of success, which is less focused on making more money or responsibility novelty, and more on being true to oneself and focusing on quality inputs.    Tune into this episode with us to hear about:   How personal growth is a journey and a continuous effort to be the best version of oneself Tips on building an early-stage sales team and how to be intentional and consistent in efforts to help the team Why leaders must be thoughtful, intentional,