District Sentinel Radio

DSR 4/2/23: Trump Indicted LMAO



-Ron made no attempt to advance his candidacy, just whiny vows to defend his rival. Why is this weenie even bothering? -The easiest way to rob a bank is to own one, Rashida Tlaib reminded us this week -File Follies: The FBI disclosed its letter announcing a flip-flop in response to our FOIA request. First, the Bureau told lawmakers that it wouldn’t talk about informants. Then, it announced an investigation after a Republican screamed at them. -Trump cucks (e.g. Matt Taibbi), Howard Schultz, Judge Reed O’Connor, Missouri Republicans, Joanne Segovia (the fentanyl-dealing cop) and Elon Musk are this week’s Garbage Can nominees. Music by Adam Fligsten www.adamfligsten.com To listen to future episodes, subscribe at Patreon.com/DistrictSentinel