

Chadi despite feeling under the weather in this episode resolves to push thru the temptation of skipping on his commitment to do the podcast and shares with us the strategies and affirmation "magic tricks" that he personally uses whenever he is confronted by internal or external negativity that may affect and cause him to back out on any of his obligations for the day. Chadi at the end also recommends the book that he says is the greatest book that has ever been written regarding the encompassing "power of affirmations" Key Contents: + Sick intro + Mind magic trick + 17 positive messages + The power of affirmations + The loony millionaire + Your own affirmations   Quotes from this Episode: "It don't matter how people perceive me what matters more is how I feel about the experience that I'm creating for myself everyday"   "What is it that you need to be affirming to yourself every hour on the hour that is going to make you feel good?"   ▶ ▶ ▶ WANT CHADI AS YOUR COACH ? Schedule 1:1 Coaching Strategy Session::