

Are you continuously finding yourself in situations where you always seem to stop just short of goal? you've taken the first steps, you've written out a realistic plan and is prepared with the skills to execute that plan but then after weeks or even months into it, due to varying circumstances the initial fire just seems to get weaker from day to day until it finally reaches a point where it feels like it has completely fizzled out, just right before you hit that breakthrough Chadi in this episode explains to us that in order to achieve an upgraded level of success you have to equally upgrade the level of your burning desire to match the magnitude of that which you are wanting, for that will give you the needed energy and drive to keep plugging away no matter what is in front of you and reach a mental state that will never let you stop again 3 feet away from gold Key Contents: + 3 feet away from gold + Why do I stop? + Different people move at different speeds + Reason why YOU stop + How do you turn it on eve