Top Listing Agent Show - Real Estate Coaching & Training With Chadi Bazzi

How to reach your real estate goals in 2023



How would you respond if someone asks you right now "How is your business?"  That is the question Chadi wants you to ask yourself, and answer not with superficial delusion but with actual accurate data to get a reality check of whether you are on track of your business plan for 2023 or not Chadi poses specific follow up questions that every business owner needs to always be aware of in order to have a deep understanding of your year to date and what you have done so far vs where you ought to be, so you can make the required changes you need to make right now before the year passes you by   Key Contents: + Update on the 39th expired contact  + How do you think you're doing? + Questions to determine status + What is the income goal + Are you on track or off track? + Business plan audit + Most common reason why we are afraid   Quotes from this Episode: “What have you done so far?” "What am I supposed to be doing, that I'm not doing, that if I did, I could reach my goal?"   ▶ ▶ ▶ WANT CHADI AS YOUR COACH ? Sched