Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 576



On our latest podcast, we chat about what went on in Weatherfield between the 15th and the 19th May 2023 (Episodes #10954 - 10959). Overall, we felt this was a bit of a 'treading water' week, to be honest - not necessarily poor episodes (although the heavy focus on Faye and Craig on Friday definitely wasn't that exciting) - but fairly slow plot development or things we felt we'd seen before. Daisy's still pretending to be Crystal, Paul's still wanting to keep his diagnosis a secret, Max is still finding prison life hard, Faye still can't decide whether to leave Craig or not... Sure, the Amy story has taken a bit of a turn, what with Abi now believing her and Eric suing her for her so-called libellous comments about his son, and Linda returning for the run-up to the wedding was fun, but overall.. just not much for us to get our teeth into, discussion-wise! Still, we're only a few weeks away from BGT week, so hopefully there's some exciting stuff on the horizon! The big news this week, of course, was the offici