Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Energy clearing and a Reiki session, Pau D'arco tea benefits, Grieving Caller



  Welcome to Angels Don't Lie with Jeanne Street!  Broadcast live on location: August 15th, 2017 Jeanne's energy was high tonight.  She was still riding high from the great live event on Saturday.  Some details are leaked for our rebroadcast while Jeanne is traveling.    Some of the things discussed during the event included - being an empath, addiction and cleaning up your energy.  Jeanne takes us through a short Reiki energy session.  Reiki - simply put is channeling energy of love.  If you have trouble connecting, Jeanne asks - What are you eating?   Announcements!  Laughs and Loved Ones, September 16th, a fundraiser for - Team Cultec, Vanishing White Matter Disease.  Upcoming events including a free Reiki class and many other exciting classes - register at   Callers!  Karen, grieving due to the loss of her brother; Popover Patti - feeling a little upside down; K'Rina - looking for direction Nutrition Tip - Pau D'arco tea is loaded with health benefits.  It fights candida, cance