Malcolm Cox

S2: "The Meaning of the Cross of Christ" | Thames Valley churches of Christ | Malcolm Cox



Notes on the class “A lion’s story should always end with a kill, but the narrative has warned us that it is the lion who will die.” My atonement series can be found here:  The Greek verb paradidomi, to ‘hand over’ to someone else, is used by Jesus of himself in the second and third Passion predictions (9.31; 10.33), and for the fate of his disciples in the three apocalyptic warnings (13.9, 11, 12). Now it is used about Jesus no less than ten times (14.10, 11, 18, 21, 41, 42, 44; 15.1, 10, 15). To most people in the ancient world, the attempt to see meaning in the death of a crucified criminal would have been pointless. Crucifixion was completely forbidden for Roman citizens, and only used for slaves and aliens; to anyone educated in the Greek philosophical tradition of divine detachment from the world, it would have been utter foolishness to seek theological profit from this death, while to a Jew anyone hanged on a tree was cursed (